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Friday 1 May 2015

Jonathan's 5 Horrible Acts Since Losing The Presidential Election

If Buhari is said to have made some mistakes
since winning the election, then Jonathan
blunders since he lost his re-election bid must
also be brought to light. Now lets consider them
1. Releasing The PwC NNPC Audit Report
Why didn't he release the report prior to March
28th? Yeah! You guessed right. He knew he
would have even lost Bayelsa state if Nigerians
saw the content of the report. By releasing the
report afterwards, he has shown Nigerians that
he abhors corruption even though he himself
MAY be innocent. He has also shown that he was
prepared to win the election even at the cost of
surpressing the truth
2. Sacking Galore
Choi! Baba GEJ has sacked over 4 persons since
he lost his re-election bid (less than 1 month ago).
From NPA boss to NHIS boss, FAAN and even
the Inspector General of Police, non has been
spared the wrath of a sour loser.
3. Accepting & Then Questioning His Defeat
Why did he publicly accept in the first place?
Is he now jealous of the attention Buhari is
4. Hindering A Smooth Transition
Moving the date already agreed for handing over
notices to be submitted from April 20th to May
14th is a covert way of jeopardizing a smooth
transition. He probably doesn't want the
incoming government to do a thorough job of
screening and scrutinizing the handover notes.
5. Covertly Removing Fuel Subsidy
By doing this, he is openly setting a trap for the
incoming government. But angry Nigerians
should know where to direct their anger.

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