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Saturday 9 May 2015

Abortion Kills 34,000 Women In Nigeria Every Year

More than 34,000 young women die from
abortion and its complications every year
according to statistics reeled out by the
President General of Umuada Igbo Nigeria
and in the Diaspora, Dr. Kate Ezeofor.
According to Ezeofor, who addressed rural
women in Amesi, Aguata Local
Government Area of Anambra State on
Wednesday, a recent study showed the
burden of abortion is even more
She said the study showed that for every
one girl that died as a result of abortion, 20
others were impaired for life.
The Umuada Igbo leader said most of the
fatal abortions resulted from attempts to
terminate unwanted pregnancies using
Ezeofor was represented by Mrs. Philomena
Nnamani at a sensitisation seminar held for
rural women in the community on
women’s reproductive health and rights
and safe family planning method.
She said the death of a woman worsened
the very bad state of infant mortality in
She said UmuadaIgbo had been going
round Igboland organising seminars and
programmes to teach families to practise
family planning, how to space their children
to attain a healthy and better family.

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