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Thursday 14 May 2015

STRANGE! North Korea Publicly Executes Defense Chief For Dozing Off At An Event

North Korea has publicly executed the country's
defense minister after the regime accused him of
treason, according to South Korean news agency
Hyon Yong Chol was killed by firing squad using
an anti-aircraft gun at a military school in front of
hundreds of people in Pyongyang around April
30, the agency reported, citing a media briefing
by the National Intelligence Service at its
headquarters in Seoul.
Hyon "was purged for lese majeste" because he
was seen "dozing off" during a military event and
"did not carry out Kim's instructions," the agency
said. It wasn't clear what instructions Hyon failed
to carry out.
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has been
accused of ordering the executions of as many as
15 top officials so far this year.

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