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Monday 14 March 2016

» "7 Reasons Why Falz’s "Soldier" Video Is The Best Video You’ll Watch This Year" «

Falz’s video for his album cut, Soldier hit the net earlier
today, and if the country’s reaction is anything like ours
then that video will be on repeat for a very long time. It’s
almost like watching a short movie that’s long enough to
really tell a story, but short enough that you just about
want more. Falz has set himself apart from not just most
rappers in Nigeria, but from most musicians as a whole.
His ability to do things out of the status quo has made his
a unique brand in Nigerian music.
So here’s 7 reasons why Falz’s Soldier video is the best
video you’ll watch this year:
1 It’s Not A Video But A Mini Movie
When the trailer came out, and we saw mini movie, we
guessed maybe a 6 min clip with the song, and a skit to
keep entertaining. But no… Dude has given us 15 minutes
of pure entertainment that makes this go from being a
music video to being a real mini movie; characters,
special effects, entertaining scripts and all.
2 A Mini Sample Of The Album
Seeing that it’s a mini movie, it’s nice to see that it
features a couple of other songs from the album but more
as a soundtrack leading up to main video. If you already
have the album, you’d be pleased when you recognize the
songs in the soundtrack of the mini movie. It’s a good way
to showcase other tunes in his album that some might not
have gotten a chance to listen to.
3 You’ll Laugh Out Loud
Not only will be entertained watching the video, you’re
bound to laugh out loud multiple times. If you follow Falz
on instagram and/or snapchat then you can expect way
more than 15 seconds of his comic characters. But it
doesn’t just stop with Falz. Simi, Simi’s mom, and the
other characters in the mini movie all play their part in
making this a very funny 15 mins. READ New Music:
Imanse - Gbona (Remix) ft. Falz
4 It’s Really A Visual Representation
How many times have we heard a song, pictured the video,
only to be disappointed when the actual video is released?
Not on this one. You may not have gotten all the details,
but when you listen to the song, and imagine a visual for it,
this video gets that image spot on.
5The Characters Are Authentic
What makes the video so entertaining is not just the comic
inserts, and drama. Everything about the video is so
authentic. Simi’s character as the girl that takes playing
hard to get to the limit, the over confident soldier, the
mother who berates the soldier so badly, and the friends
that are pretty much Yes men & women. We can all pick
each character and link to someone we know or know of.
6[b].It’s Unlike Any Nigerian Video You’ll See
We've seen all the generic scripts for videos already; New
dance theme, plenty money theme, a lot of girls theme,
marriage theme. It’s all out there. But the storyline of this
video? We’re betting you haven’t seen it in the Nigeria
music space recently if at all. It’s what makes it very
unique and fresh.
7 It’s Not Even Over
Even after watching 15 mins of what is arguably the most
well put together video in Nigeria for a while, the
excitement shifts into 2nd gear when you see that “To Be
Continued” sign at the end. You mean to tell me there’s
more of what I just watched? Dis his a seriouz sometin.

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