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Tuesday 15 March 2016

Denrele Edun: I Am A Se’xual Outlaw; I’m Not Claiming Any Preference

Media personality and VJ, Denrele Edun had a chat
with HipTV today and he revealed a lot about his
se’xuality. He also talked about the kind of wedding
he would like and the photoshoot he intends to
He said
“I have been called a homose’xual, bis’exual,
heteros’exual, ‘hip’se’xual’, se’xual se’xual. I am a
se’xual outlaw. Take it and take it! I am not claiming
any preference”
“I would like to have a wedding where it will be like a
carnival and everyone will come. I am not going to do
all that invites and stuff – I am just going to put
billboards everywhere and invite everyone. There will
no VIPs ‘cos I don’t believe in all that VIP crap”
“Will anyone know the person I am going to marry?
NO. I am not going to reveal or disclose the identity of
the person,I am not going to put that person through
all that media brouhaha. I am going to wrap the
person up like a mummy and it is only when we are
about to kiss that I am going to open the mouth.”
“If you want to know who I am getting married to?
Get ready to drop the money like it’s hot. In the pre-
wedding photos that I have done, it is only the
person’s curves you will see, so you will be sure it is
not a transgender and the person is not a man.“She is
a woman.” he stated

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