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Sunday 10 January 2016

Don ’t Give Up On That Gift Called Love : An Article Dedicated To Heartbroken Men & Women

Sometimes, you are at that portion of the road in your life
when you think you can’t go on. You are so heartbroken
you can’t believe you are still breathing. As far your
feelings are concerned, it’s the end of the world. It ended
when the love of your life said goodbye.
Getting out of bed becomes a chore. Life as a whole
becomes hard work. You can’t imagine why the birds still
sing and the sun still shines when you are all cold inside.
Your life just feels like one huge indescribable pain. Are
you at that portion in the road now? Do you feel it is all
over, that you can’t ever love again?
No such thing. After a while, it shall pass because you’ll
live again. Every woman, every man at one point or the
other must pass through this way. It’s bumpy, dusty and
choking. It’s so cold you can’t feel your toes. The pain
leaves you numb. It’s so dark and cloudy you can’t see
there is still a great wide road ahead. But there is life after
this point. You’ll get through it. You’ll understand it by and
by. And it won’t hurt you after a while. You have been in a
relationship for three years. His parents know you.
Your parents know him. In fact the two parents were only
waiting for the two of you to give the holy matrimony
signal. All your friends were set to be bridesmaids. You
had Sorry babe, mom says I must marry her friend’s
daughter coupletold all your suitors that you were taken,
spoken for.
And then he delivered his ‘so long’ speech. You are still
trying to remember what his excuse was. Your heart
seems to have stopped pumping blood or why else are you
this numb. You have asked yourself over and again where
you went wrong, how you missed the signs that he no
longer wanted you. The fog is bad. Your eyes are swollen
from crying, your dresses are hanging on you because you
are neither sleeping nor eating.
As bad as it looks this minute, even this shall pass. And
you’ll love again. You were 35 when you met him. Your
heart had been broken more than once and you’d made up
your mind not to let any man get past the armoured gate
to your heart. But he came and broke through your
defences . He made you eat your vow. You fell in love
He promised to remain your knight in shining armour and
once again you believed. Today, he’s gone and you are 40
and bewildered. Were you created to be alone? Maybe
marriage is not in your stars.
All you can see through your tears are the lonely years
ahead. Maybe you will die childless. Maybe you should
adopt a child now. Maybe you should accept your fate and
stop searching. You can’t see it now but the scars will
heal. You’ll love again. And then, it won’t hurt this bad,
after a while. Stuck between if and when, you’ve tried again
and again.
You have waited. You have prayed. Yet the women you
have loved are the ones who used and dumped you. You
have been told ‘you are not man enough’ enough times and
you are beginning to believe it. Maybe no Eve was created
from your ribs… When you begin to doubt your belief, you
will begin to believe your doubt. Just believe there must be
a reason why you have had to tarry at this lonely point for
this long.
Don’t give up on yourself. You are man enough. Don’t give
in to that urge to settle for whoever you can find. Get up
and dust yourself. The pain will recede. You’ll love again.
Fifteen years of marriage and four children, you thought
you were settled for life.
The children were doing well and the family had no money
trouble. Then you woke up one fine morning and your
husband is no longer your husband. He has moved out and
moved in with another woman who has three children for
Already. So all this while you thought he was yours, he
also belonged to another. The thought that everybody else
but you knew is driving you crazy. You have even
contemplated killing yourself and ending it all. The feeling
of betrayal cannot be quantified in words. What did you do
that was so unforgivable? What are you supposed to do
Remarry with four children or go dump the kids at his new
doorstep? The disgrace, the reproach. How do you explain
to the children, your friends and still keep breathing?
You want the world to come to an end today, this minute.
But this too shall pass. The scars will become part of your
history, the ingredients that built your emotional and
financial muscles.
Have you just discovered that one of the two children is
not yours? Your wife has made you father another man’s
son. The woman you loved has poked her fingers in your
All that you have are in her name and the two children’s.
You have lived and worked for them.
You have been devoted. And the one you just discovered is
not yours is your favourite, though you are not supposed to
love one kid more than the others.
But you do anyway and this son is not yours. Your wife
can’t look you in the eye and you can’t look the world in
the eye. Send your wife packing along with this boy who
has called you daddy for nine years or just go on as if
nothing is wrong? You are bleeding on the inside.
You feel like a fool, betrayed. Will you ever love again?
What’s love? What is it worth?
Is it another word for self-inflicted affliction? When your
pains feel like it will never go away and the wounds look
like they will never heal, try these lines. Sing the lines
They help. After a while This too shall pass Scars will heal
You’ll love again It won’t hurt you after a while.
Stuck between if and when You’ve prayed and tried But
still no way God’s coming soon, you’ll love again It won’t
hurt you after a while
This piece is dedicated to all those who are hurting, men
and women who have been left holding the short end of the
stick in relationships they thought were heading for the
altar. Don’t give up on that good thing called love.
The pain eating you up now will go and you will smile
again. You will even dress up for Valentine. Oh yes.

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