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Saturday 30 January 2016

» "10 Categories Of Students That Request For Extra Booklets During Exam" «

I have carefully and systematically observed quite a fairly
few sizeable number of students who request for extra
answer sheets in the exam hall, and writing exam
yesterday actually gave an incentive that led to the birth of
this article cheesy
10 Categories of Students That Request for Extra Booklets
During Exam
1. The Oppressors
These categories of students will always top a list like
this. They request for extra sheets primarily not because
they actually need it but to subject other students to
undue pressures making them look like they know nothing.
I wrote a very tedious exam yesterday that threw me into
a condition where I was looking up to heaven to provide
answers to the Greek look alike questions, when this dude
subjected all of us to undue pressures by requesting for
extra sheets, making us feel like we have only come to
school not to learn but for excursion cheesy . Please, join me in
prayer so that the lecturer will score me well. cheesy
2.. The Photocopiers
This is the category where I belong (as I no sabi book, at
least, I suppose sabi copy well na) cheesy The photocopiers
will copy the copiable answers of both friends and enemies
regardless of their GPs (whether the GPs of those they are
copying are 0.92, 1.00, 1. 1.25, for all they care) as long as
their pens are busy. They will add the answers gotten from
Noah to the one from Jarus, joined to the one from Seun
Osewa, Wristbangle and Oliviaarims. Before you know it,
they will write more than anyone else. When their booklets
become voluminous and can no longer contain answers,
they will request for extra sheets
3. The "I too know"
During lectures, these students will sometimes argue with
lecturers and create argumentative scenes in the class;
they ask both relevant and irrelevant questions in the
lecture hall with a view of gaining publicity. They will ask
questions during lectures and will still be the ones to
answer it themselves (how ironical? cheesy ). You would think
they will hit first class/distinction because of their display
of vast knowledge in all courses. They will go into the
exam hall with this same character. When a lecturer asks
" Lucidly define Constitution". They will continue to write
and write and go off point; they will narrate how Moses
delivered the Israelites from Bondage; and how King
Solomon married 500 wives and lusted after 300
concubines; they will even add Biblical references. When
their booklets have been filled up, they will request for
sheets to finish up their bull-crap.
4. The Story Tellers
They share similar characteristics with the "I too know"
students. The story tellers can't explain or define theories
without telling stories to justify their answers. Their
stories and digression get their booklets quickly filled up.
5. The Scholars
Of course, these ones are undoubtedly very brilliant. They
will logically, lucidly and analytically answer exam
questions and may demand extra booklets when need be.
When they request for extra sheets, be sure that they will
get nothing less than an "A", unlike the "I too know" crew
who would demand extra sheets and still end up with an
6. Masquerade Carriers
In case you don't know, masquerade carriers is a synonym
for "expo colonial masters" who are talented in carrying
'expo'. They are so skilled that they will still manoeuvre
their way out even if thousands of invigilators are deployed
to their exam hall. They will request for extra sheets,
smuggle it into their pockets and will take it to their
hostels. They will copy answers on it for the exam they are
having the next day.
7. The Competitors
They say life is a race, if you don't run fast, you may get
trampled.. The competitors dwell in this notion that life is
a race, therefore, when they spot a student requesting for
an extra sheet, they will also request for extra sheets so as
to compete with that person cheesy
8. The Wetty-Palm Students
The size of their handwriting font is as big as Olumo rock;
just two answers, their booklets don full. A blind man won't
even find it hard to read their booklet at a glance. But dont
be suprised that some of the petty-wetty palm student will
get capital 'E' and 'D' when the results come out.
9. The Misspellers
I also fall in this same category. We are called misspellers
cos we aren't good in spelling. Often, I even misspell my
own names, department and course title and I will have
cross it out and look at my school ID card to write correct
spelling of my own name. By dint of our deficiencies in
spelling, our booklets becomes so rough and illegible to
read, hence, we cant help but demand for new sheets for
fresh work
10. Feel free to add the last one
I drop my pen at this point

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