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Sunday 27 December 2015

The world’s safest cities

Leaving your wallet or laptop unguarded in a cafe may
not be recommended for most, but residents in the
world’s safest cities could likely do it without a second
For many, feeling safe can be key to feeling at home. So
to understand what it might be like to live in a super
safe place, we sought out residents living in some of the
most stable and secure cities in the world, as ranked by
The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). The list
considered factors such as personal safety, infrastructure
stability, health stability and digital security technology.
Locals weighed in on the best neighbourhoods to live in,
what exactly makes them feel at ease – and why safe
doesn’t have to equal boring.
Along with Tokyo (named the world’s safest city), Osaka
embodies the general peace of mind that can be felt
throughout the country. “Japan in general is an incredibly
safe country to live in,” said Daniel Lee, founder of the
local English language Kansai Scene magazine, who
moved from the United Kingdom 17 years ago. “So much
so that locals are accustomed to leaving their personal
belongings unattended on tables in coffee shops while
they go and order. It’s unthinkable anywhere else.”
Osaka is known for being business-focussed, which
means that people work and commute late into the night.
“Even at the latest hours, businessmen are on the train,
and the main terminals are populated as much at night
as by day,” said Yoshie Yamamoto, who moved from
Kyoto 25 years ago and runs the oldest Noh theatre in
the city. “There is absolutely no problem for a lady to be
travelling alone late at night on the subways.”
The work-oriented culture can also lead to friendly
conversation. “Osaka is a city of salesmen, and the
locals love to talk,” Lee said. “You can enter any small
watering hole and be treated like a long lost friend. You
may not understand a word of what they say to you, but
the good vibes will win you over.”
For a chance to mingle with the locals, Yamamoto
recommends living in a downtown area such as Ikuno
Ward or Abeno Ward, where Nagaya (traditional long
houses) are still common. “These places are relatively
cheap as they have been inhabited by the same locals
[for years],” she said. “If you are able to make friends
with your neighbours, you will experience the true Osaka
character filled with affection, warmth and friendship.”
Those looking for a more nature-focused lifestyle can
head to the “bed towns” surrounding the city, such as
Minoh and Kita-Senri, which have easy train access to
downtown Osaka, as well as the nearby cities of Kobe
and Kyoto.
With fewer than one million residents, Amsterdam is still
relatively small compared to other cities on the EIU’s
list, giving it a leg up when it comes to providing a safe
residential environment. The capital city also has a
laidback vibe that puts people at ease.
“I feel incredibly safe,” said Toni Hinterstoisser, general
manager at the Andaz Amsterdam Prinsengracht, who
moved from New York City three years ago. “The
people’s free spirit makes them more relaxed about
everyday things. Nobody gets agitated easily.” This is
true even of the police, who Hinterstoisser says are very
present and polite, but also straight to the point.
While all of Amsterdam’s neighbourhoods are considered
safe, districts in the south such as De Pijp and Oud-Zuid
are more upscale. To the east and north, neighbourhoods
like Noord are considered to be up-and-coming.
Hinterstoisser lives in Oud West (Old West), which he
likes for being only 2km west of the city centre and near
Vondelpark, the city’s largest park.
One word of caution: no matter where you choose to live,
don’t expect a level house. “As Amsterdam is mostly
built on water, the houses are not completely straight,”
warned Hinterstoisser. “If you put a tennis ball on one
end of my living room, it will roll all by itself quite swiftly
to the other side.”
Despite being Australia’s largest city, Sydney’s
neighbourhood-oriented culture keeps residents feeling
safe. “Our community looks after each other,” said
Richard Graham, a Sydney native and owner of local tour
company My Detour. “If someone looks suspicious, we
tell our neighbours, and word soon gets around who to
watch out for.”
The city recently adopted a plan to spend $15 million a
year improving footpaths and pedestrian crossings to
encourage walking, and Victoria Moxey, originally from
Buenos Aires and founder of local visitor guide Urban
Walkabout , believes this is helping to keep life safe.
“The streets are always filled with urban types sitting at
coffee shops with friends, walking dogs or just exploring
the city,” she said. “Sydney is a city where the more you
walk the streets, the more you feel part of a community.”
To make the most of this walking culture, expats often
choose to live in Potts Point, 3km east of the city
centre, where Art Deco apartment buildings and plentiful
cafes give the neighbourhood a New York City vibe.
Another favoured option is Surry Hills, 3km southeast of
the centre, which has the best coffee spots and
restaurants in town, drawing hipsters, design lovers and
For a true Australian beach lifestyle, residential-oriented
Waverley or surfer-friendly Bronte are about 8km
southeast of the city, while Rose Bay is an upscale
harbourside option just 7km to the east.
This Southeast Asian city-state takes law enforcement
seriously, resulting in a very secure environment. Rinita
Vanjre Ravi, originally from Bangalore, and co-founder of
dine-with-locals site BonAppetour , sees how much
difference a well-funded police department can make. “In
Singapore, the police force is well paid, which enables
them to be concerned about the welfare of their people,”
she said.
It also ensure laws are enforced. Vanjre Ravi finds that
Singapore locals are really honest. “You can leave your
bag at the table at any restaurant and go to the cashier
to order food with the peace of mind that your bag will
still be there,” she said. “Residents know that there is a
high chance of being caught and punished.”
A stable political environment and a no-tolerance policy
for religious or racist jokes also contributes to a
harmonic city vibe.
Still, living in such a populous area comes with its own
set of challenges. Managing the daily commute is key
when finding a place to live in Singapore, and locals
advise living as close to work as possible. Vanjre Ravi
recommends Tiong Bahru as a central hipster
neighbourhood with specialty shops and trendy
restaurants, though those in a higher income bracket can
look at the Duxton Hill apartments near Outram Park,
2km west of downtown, notable for its restored colonial
buildings and international cuisine.
Being located so far north comes with its advantages,
like never-ending summer days. Stockholm’s natural
light in summer, paired with a well-lit city centre in
darker times of the year, contributes to a feeling of safe
public spaces. “Having two small boys, safety is
increasingly important to me, and Stockholm is simply
brilliant for children,” said Kat T, originally from London,
who writes the blog An English Mamma in Stockholm .
“There are playgrounds in parks away from the traffic
and many leafy, green areas right in the centre of town.”
Though it doesn’t have the non-stop buzz of London, Kat
finds that Stockholm’s slower pace can sometimes be a
blessing. Despite its small size, the city also feels
“dynamic and sophisticated”, she said. “Swedes are
early adopters of things new, especially technology, and
are frequently trendsetters.”
Most people live in apartments close to the Central
Business District, but those looking for better value
should head 2km west to Kungsholmen, while a funkier
vibe (evidenced in vintage shops and avant-garde
galleries) can be found in Södermalm 3km to the south.
The waterfront areas have also been recently
redeveloped, with Hammarby Sjöstad being among the
most popular for its walkable boulevards and eco-
conscious design.

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