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Friday 18 December 2015

» ''When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom'' «

This is not about encouraging any unmarried lady to have
unprotected sex with any man but its about letting ladies
understand what goes through the mind of most guys when
they use a latex on a them.
But before i go on,i would like to ask this simple
question..Why do we use a condom?
While the answer to that can be too exhausting i believe
that many guys will say they use condoms to prevent stds
and pregnancy but after marriage they will not even think
about using it on their wives but would prefer the lady to
use other birth control methods.
Yes condom is for protection against stds and unwanted
pregnancy but i believe this is only a terrible fallacy to
boost the sale of the devil's tool.
What is the guaranty that even in marriage,a man or
woman can't bring std home to the spouse? What makes it
different if a man decides to have a condomless sex with
his wife but uses it on a mistress?
It may interest every lady reading this to know that even
most single guys usually have a mindset concerning a
special lady in their life and they never use condoms on
such lady because to them,such girl is too special and so
cherished that they will prefer raw sex with.
This leaves me with one answer to why a man will use a
condom on a lady and that is because he sees you as an
object of a quick and cheap sex,untrustworthy and a
potential std carrier and of-course has no deep respect and
affection for the lady since he only believes at that point
that all you are worth is the sex...This is what goes
through the mind of guys in most cases. The most
unfortunate twist is that many ladies willingly allow these
randy guys to have them at will since there is always a
condom to use..how pathetic.
As a lady stop deceiving yourself thinking the guy wants
to protect you by using a condom on you but he is only
trying to protect himself.
A real sexually decent lady will never allow a man sleep
with her before marriage let alone use a condom on her So
any lady that allows a man use condom on her is sexually
reckless and should be placed side by side with the
LovePeddler in the brothels and you can as well ask him
for payment after the act.....quote me anywhere...condom
is mainly for casual sex with a casual lady a man has no
deep respect or affection for.
If a man truly wants you and not just your goody bag,he
will not be doubtful to make you his wife rather than use a
latex on you severally all in the name of protected casual
If i were a lady,i would rather not have sex at all than have
a man stick a latex inside me.If he truly wants me then let
him put a ring on it and then we can start making love the
way it was originally designed by GOD.
My candid opinion.

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