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Thursday 17 December 2015

» Nigeria's Murder Mysteries That Were Never Solved «

1. Mungo Park - he was an explorer who was born in
Selkirkshire scotland , he was the first westerner to have
travelled to the central of the river Niger,he was sent out
by the Association for Promoting the Discovery of the
Interior of Africa' to discover the course of the River Niger.
He was particularly sent on this expedition because of his
success in the first trip where he went alone but on this
journey he went with 40 Europeans who all lost their lives
in the adventure.
(Though Nigeria had not been formed when mungo park
died, I feel it justifiable to include this, because he was
last seen in a place currently in Nigeria)
His death; against logic and reasoning, Mungo park set out
with his 40 man expedition to the river Niger from Gambia
in the rainy season, and when there were different wars and
hostilities going on in the Niger area. Due to the weather,
and different kinds of deseases , mungo park's men started
dying , from 40 to 11, but mungo park was a proud man and
didn't send any letter of his problems to London , by the
time they reached segu, only four of his men were alive,
Sending his native guide, Isaaco, back to Laidley with his
journals, Park was determined to continue. But at the
bussa rapids in 1806 after 1000 miles on sea , park and his
four men disappeared from the face of the earth, issaco
was sent back to find the truth but the only remains to be
discovered was park's ammunition belts. Some historians
say he drowned in the sea While some said he and his
team were mistaken for Muslim's raiders and shot at..but
we might never know how mungo park died,,if he is alive
today, he would be 244 years old
Dele giwa : he was a dogged and fearless journalist, he was
a Nigerian editor and founder of newswatch , during the
military regime, he opposed the regime and autocratic rule
of the head of states and published news and facts in his
magazine to show the world that the head of states were
really corrupt and bad.
On December 1986, dele giwa was killed by a mail/letter
bomb in his Lagos home, two days after he had been
interviewed by sss( state security service) officials,
Till today dele giwa's killer was never brought to book
Rumours have it that his killing was ordered by the head of
state then who was general Ibrahim babangida over the
damning news of the illegal activities of his wife.but we
might never know the killer. If dele giwa is alive now, he
would have been 68 years old.

3.General sanni abacha -: he was an head of state of
Nigeria and his autocratic rule was reported to be a reign
of terror, corruption, lawlessness and anarchy, anyone that
dare talk or oppose his government was snuffed out,
(eliminated), he ordered the killing of ken saro wiwa which
was why Nigeria banned temporarily from the
commonwealth of nations, nobody really knew how he died
Some reports said he died of an apple by two Indian ladies
Another said he died on top of a woman Recently or not to
His CSO ( chief security officer) said he died of an heart
We might never know how he died but his death was a
relief to the citizens of Nigeria, Africa and the world as a
whole, it was even said that many people took to dancing
on the street when the news of his death was released.
Bola ige : He was a Nigerian lawyer and politician, He
became federal minister of Justice for Nigeria.On 23
December 2001, Bola Ige was shot dead at his home in the
south-western city of Ibadan. He had been entangled in
squabbles within his Alliance for Democracy party in Osun
State, the feud involving governor bisi akande and his
deputy bisola omisore.. Bola ige's killer was never brought
to book as those who were arrested,
and tried for involvement in the murder, including Iyiola
Omisore, were all dischaeged and acquitted.
Though till today,some people are of the strong opinion
that iyiola omisore was the one that orchestrated the
murder, but we might never know the truth.
6. Chibok girls : on that tragic day , 15th April 2014, 276
female school girls were abducted by Islamic militants,
(book haram) and 219 are still reported to be missing, this
got the whole world talking and initiated the
"BringBackOurGirls" campaign, this catastrophe was
regarded as the major flaw in ex president , Goodluck
Jonathan's government.. What might have happened to
these girls? there were some rumours saying the boko
haram militants have slept with some of them , married
some and sold some of them as slaves, another said they
might have been radicalized, brain washed and initiated
into the world of terrorism owing to the recent activities of
female sucide bombers .. Even as I type this, I still feel a
sadness in my heart and pray they are found safe and

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