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Friday 19 June 2015

» Osinbajo Was Never Excluded From National Security Meetings - Premium Times «

More details are now emerging about the
purported exclusion of the Vice President
from some National Security Council
meetings held so far, days after the
presidency formally denied the false
speculations describing them as “the
creation of someone who just wanted to
write something”.
Informed presidency sources said the Vice
President, Yemi Osinbajo was actually
informed and invited to the meeting by the
President himself, and that due to other
pressing engagements and commitments
of the presidency, the VP had to be present
at other events, including a foreign trip to
According to sources, “there was no way
the Vice President would be excluded from
a meeting for which it was the President
himself that told him about it and requested
him to attend in line with the law of the
land, but as things turn out there were
other events requiring the attention of at
least the President or the Vice President at
the same time.”
Some of the media outlets that reported and
republished the false story includes
naij.com, dailypost.ng and a foreign paper,
International Business Times.
No major Nigerian or international media
organization published the story
Sources close to Mr. Osinbajo said they
believe some outgoing political appointees
of the PDP administration still in the
presidency were responsible for planting
the falsehood in the media in order to cause
disaffection among the Nigerian people,
hoping to spur an early crisis for the new
Buhari presidency.
Citing legal and constitutional basis of the
issue, one inside source in the presidency
also explained that the Third Schedule, Part 1
of the Nigerian Constitution was very clear
as to the membership of the Security
Council and the Defence Council.
In both federal bodies, the President is the
Chairman of the Councils while the Vice
President is stipulated as Deputy Chairman
who presides over the meetings in the
President’s absence.
Indeed the Nigerian Constitution clearly
stipulates the functions and membership of
both the National Security Council and the
National Defence Council.
“Third Schedule Part I Federal Executive
(Established by Section 153)
G – National Defence Council
16. The National Defence Council shall
comprise the following members –
(a) the President who shall be the Chairman;
(b) the Vice-President who shall be the
Deputy Chairman;
(c) the Minister of the Government of the
Federation responsible for defence;
(d) the Chief of Defence Staff;
(e) the Chief of Army Staff;
(f) the Chief of Naval Staff;
(g) the Chief of Air Staff; and
(h) such other members as the President
may appoint.
17. The Council shall have power to advise
the President on matters relating to the
defence of the sovereignty and territorial
integrity of Nigeria.
K – National Security Council
25. The National Security Council shall
comprise the following members –
(a) the President who shall be the Chairman;
(b) the Vice-President who shall be the
Deputy Chairman;
(c) the Chief of Defence Staff;
(d) the Minister of the Government of the
Federation charged with the responsibility
for internal affairs.
(e) the Minister of the Government of the
Federation charged responsibility for
(f) the Minister of the Government of the
Federation charged with the responsibility
for foreign affairs;
(g) the National Security Adviser
(h) the Inspector-General of Police; and
(i) such other persons as the President may
in his discretion appoint.
26. The Council shall have power to advise
the President on matters relating to public
security including matters relating to any
organisation or agency established by law
for ensuring the security of the Federation.”
In his dismissal of the false story,
Presidential Spokesman, Mallam Shehu
Garba said over the weekend “that is the
creation of someone who just wanted to
write something. It was on the same day
he travelled to Sudan to represent the
President, the government and the people
of Nigeria at the inauguration of the
president of that country,” Shehu said on
Saturday, June 13, 2015, while speaking to
Sahara TV.
“He couldn’t have been present in two
places at the same time. Osinbajo is the
Vice-President of Nigeria. In the absence of
the President, he is the President. So, there
cannot be dark corners into which he will
not be allowed. It is not true,” he added.

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