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Saturday 6 June 2015

» How To Make Your Boyfriend's Mum Like You «

Hmmmm! This is one of the hardest part for
most ladies. For some, the relationship flow
comes naturally.
Dear, instead of worrying about how to get his
mother to love you or giving up totally, learn
these tips.
The truth is that both of you love and want the
best for the same person, and that is a plus.
1. Do not try to take her place or become her
2. Always thank her and let her know you
appreciate her efforts in bringing up her fine
young man.
3. Never report her boy to her.
4. Always praise him where she is.
5. Do not interfere in family matters or
conversations, unless you are invited to.
6. Understand what she loves and show interest
in it.
7. Ask her questions about herself, her experience
raising her wonderful son.
8. Always offer to do dishes after a meal
9. Get gifts for her.
10. Shower her with praise and compliments.
Above all, you must understand that mothers
can see through deceit quickly. You will put
yourself in her bad book, if you pretend.

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