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Monday 13 April 2015

At 65 Years, German Woman Who Has 13 Children Is Pregnant With Quadruplets

A 65-year-old Berlin woman who already has 13
children is pregnant again with quadruplets,
Germany's RTL broadcaster reported Sunday.
The Russian and English teacher's pregnancy
follows several attempts abroad at artificial
insemination over the last year-and-a-half,
according to the private TV channel.
The woman, Annegret Raunigk, decided to try to
have another child because her youngest
daughter, who is nine, wanted a little brother or
sister, the channel said on its website.
It said it would broadcast an interview with the
expectant mother, who has seven grandchildren,
on Monday evening and plans to track her
through the pregnancy and afterwards.
It said the pregnancy had so far been without any
major complications and that if everything went
well, the babies were due in the summer and that
Raunigk would be the world's oldest mother of
Mass circulation newspaper Bild am Sonntag
reported the four-baby pregnancy on its front-
page, quoting the prospective mother-of-17,
whose oldest daughter is reportedly 44, recalling
the moment doctors broke the news.
"Certainly that was a shock for me.
"After the doctor discovered there were four, I
had to give it some thought to begin with.
"On the scan it was just clear to see," Bild quoted
her as saying, adding however she had not
considered it an option to reduce the number of
At a time when other women her age are
preparing to slow down and take things easier,
Raunigk indicated she had no reservations about
the challenges ahead.
"I'm not actually afraid. I simply assume I'll
remain healthy and fit. In matters of organisation
I have enough experience, that's not new for
me," she said.
Asked about moral doubts, RTL quoted her as
asking: "How does one have to be at 65? One
must apparently always fit some cliches which I
find rather tiring.
"I think, one must decide that for oneself." Her
gynaecologist, Kai Hertwig, was quoted on the
RTL website ahead of Monday's broadcast as
saying that quadruple pregnancies were always a
strain but that everything was currently going
The biggest risk for the babies is being born
prematurely and doctors are doing all they can to
prevent that, the gynaecologist added.
Raunigk made headlines 10 years ago too, when
she gave birth to her 13th child, Lelia, at the age of
"At first, I only wanted one child," Bild quoted her
as saying at the time. "Not all were planned. But
then things happen. I'm not a planner but rather
spontaneous. And children keep me
*By the end of summer if all things go well,she
will be a mother of 17 children!!..WTF
This news is currently on everyones lips here.
This woman needs to slow down abeg...ah ah!!
WTF!!.so at 65 she still ovulates?

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