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Thursday 23 April 2015

Diezani Confesses: I Stepped On Big Toes, But I Never Commited Any Crime

Diezani Alison-Madueke, minister of petroleum

resources, says she has not committed any

crime and is not seeking asylum, even though

she stepped on big toes during her tenure.

Fielding questions from the media in Abuja on

Wednesday, Alison-Madueke — probably the

most criticised minister under President

Goodluck Jonathan — said her recent meeting

with Abdulsalami Abubakar, former head of

state, had nothing to do with speculations that

she was looking for “soft landing” from the in-

coming administration.

She said: “I have not sought such assistance

because I am not aware that I have been

indicted of any crime that I will need a soft

landing. Over the last four years, I have been

severally and unfortunately accused and

labelled in so many malicious and vindictive

ways. I have explained these things and pushed

back robustly on these accusations and I have

even gone to court on many of them. Yet they

keep being regurgitated.

“I think it is unfortunate, particularly when we

are moving into a transition period and looking

forward to an incoming government which is

coming to take over where we have ended. For

everything that has a beginning there is an end

and that is not a surprise. What is the surprise

is the sort of malevolence bothering on

personal malicious libel to my person during

this period of time.

“I do believe that I have done the best for

Nigeria in this job and I have attained many

firsts in the history of oil and gas especially in

the reforms that we have done. In this period of

time, I have stepped on many big toes,

particularly the toes of the cabals that were in

the industry when we came in.

“I have said severally that we will open up the

industry to all Nigerians, and we have, but that

is not to the pleasure of certain cabals. And I

have been continuously maligned because of

this. We have taken millions and in fact billions

of dollars out of the hands of multinationals and

their subcontractors and put them in the hands

of Nigerians through the Nigerian Content.

Hundreds of thousands of Nigerians have come

into the oil and gas industry because of our


“Quite frankly, I think as unprecedented as it is,

it does not please everybody and that cannot be

helped but let us remember the unprecedented

reforms that have happened in the oil industry

during our time, such as major gas reforms, the

Petroleum Industry Bill, which has been

completely revised, reformed and put into the

hands of members of the National Assembly

where it has languished for two years.”

She also spoke on the alleged missing funds

from the coffers of the Nigerian National

Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) as well as

allegations of wasteful spending by her.

According to her, some of the allegations were

made because of the reforms contained in the


She said: “In that bill are all the reforms needed

to tear NNPC apart, make it a National Oil

company, an equity share company through

transparency, accountability and responsibility

and reduce corruption in the industry. We did all

theses and we put them in place to reduce

corruption, so for me to be tagged with various

tags of corruption, $10 million jet purchases,

who buys jet for $10 million dollars for

goodness sake?

“And $20 billion missing money for which PWC

had done a report and the $1.48 billion which is

not missing, which is actually money

transferred by the NNPC to NPDC which is a

subsidiary and NPDC has actually started

making payments under my directives. I have

said during our time that there are gaps in the

NNPC and I said that openly.

“But I can also say that at no time in Nigerian

history in the oil and gas has the NNPC been as

open and audited as it is today. It has been

positioned to go forward in the industry. It is

true that the revenue profile is not sustainable.

But we have done our best and the Nigerian oil

and gas sector is today in a better shape than it

has ever been in terms of achievements that we

have recorded.

“So let me state it clearly for the records that

Nigeria is my country and I am not going

anywhere. I love my country and I do think that

I have done the best for my country and I would

also like to point these malicious, malevolence,

vindictive libels need to stop.

“We have done enough for this industry, we

cannot please everybody. Yes, we have stepped

on toes but we did that in the best interest of

Nigeria and we have opened up the oil and gas

industry to all Nigerians, thousands of

Nigerians have benefitted from our reforms in

the system.”

Alison-Madueke, who rose to the position of

director in Shell Nigeria, was appointed minister

of transportation (now divided into works,

transport and aviation) by late President Umaru

Musa Yar’Adua in 2007.

She was later moved to the ministry of solid

minerals, before Jonathan appointed her

minister of petroleum ministry.

Along with late Olikoye Ransome-Kuti, who

served as minister of health from 1985 to 1993,

Alison-Madueke is the longest serving minister

in Nigeria’s history.

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