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Saturday 11 April 2015

9 Year Old Girl Pregnant For 10 Different ISIS Members

A 9-year-old girl from a minority group in Iraq is
pregnant after being molested by at least 10
different men with the Islamic State group.
According to DailyExpressUK, the young girl was
seen by aid workers in a refugee camp in Iraq
after she and hundreds of others were freed after
being held captive by the group for more than
eight months.
The girl was one of 216 people from the ethnic
and religious minority community known as
Yazidis released by the Islamic State group, which
is also known as ISIS or ISIL. Those freed tended
to be
elderly, infirm or young, and many were in poor
health, an Iraqi Kurdish commander said. They
appeared to have been abused and neglected.
"Even a cesarean section is dangerous," Yousif
Daoud, an aid worker, said of the options for the
9-year-old girl to give birth.
"The abuse she has suffered left her mentally and
physically traumatized."
In August, when the Islamic State group
launched an assault on Iraq's Yazidi community,
its fighters kidnapped hundreds of Yazidi women
and reportedly took them to Syria. A subsequent
report by the U.S. State Department said 1,500 to
4,000 women had been abducted and that they
were being molested, forced into marriage and
Yazidis are neither Muslim nor Christian but
instead practice an ancient and unique faith. The
Islamic State group still regards them as infidels.

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