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Friday 15 July 2016

Pastor's Lover Dies During Abortion In Kaduna State

A pastor in Kaduna State is in serious trouble after a girl
he got pregnant died during an abortion.
A pastor identified as Gideon Garba, has been arrested by
the police in Kaduna State after a teenage girl he got
pregnant died in the process of abortion.
According to report, the married pastor who is originally
from Plateau State but was posted to serve in the state,
had been dating the girl, identified as Stella, said to be the
daughter of a senior pastor in the church and a second
year Ordinary National Diploma (OND) student of the Nuhu
Bamalli Polytechnic in the state and when she got
pregnant, Pastor Gimba arranged for her to have an
abortion and engaged a friend who works in a hospital.
The quack 'doctor' was said to have given the girl some
drugs to flush out the pregnancy which was already in the
third month but when the foetus could not be flushed out,
he gave her some local herbs to drink.
The herbs was said to have reacted violently leading to
the girl bleeding profusely. he parents rushed her to a
hospital where doctors confirmed that she had taken drugs
meant to terminate the pregnancy and proceeded to
evacuate her womb but apparently, the damage had been
However, before she gave up the ghost, Stella confessed to
her parents that it was Pastor Gimba that got her pregnant
and took her to the quack doctor for the abortion.
The parents later reported the case to the police and
Gimba and his friend were arrested and are now in
detention while the police continue with their

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