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Wednesday 27 September 2017

Married father-of-two abandons his family to live with a herd of cows who saved his life in India

A married father-of-two in India, Vijay Parsana, 44, abandoned his family five years ago to live full-time with cows who he thanks for saving his life and has since developed unexplainable love for them.

Vijay eats the cows' urine and dung, bathes, watches television and shares his bed with them in a religious retreat. He claims that the animals saved him from his bad gambling habit.

‘My love for cows is unexplainable. There’s nothing dearer to me than my cows. 
'When I’m with them I forget the world. When I’m with them, nothing in the world worries me. 
'We’ve developed a special connection and my family is really happy for me. 
'I believe I understand them and they understand me. I share all my joys and sorrows with them.’

Vijay who now owns over 2,000 other animals including peacocks, rabbits, birds and snakes, allegedly spent £20,000 on a lavish wedding for two of his cows that he credited for changing his life.

‘Whatever I am today is because of my cows. My financial status, health and personality all have changed because of them. 
'The cow is like our mother. I urge everyone to own a cow and see the change it brings to your life.’
‘Throughout my childhood I was interested in yoga and health. I researched various natural elements that are beneficial to the body. 
'And when I got to know how cows milk, its urine and cow dung is full of goodness I committed fully.’
‘I now balance my time between family, work and my cows. 

Vijay also claims that once he survived 22 days drinking only cow’s urine.

‘It kept me well hydrated and nourished, Cow urine is full of nutrients. It helps the body to wash oil and toxins and impurities out of the body. 
'Consuming one cup in the morning can give you better health. Everyone should try it.’ 

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