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Monday 20 March 2017

MMM Progress: 2011–2016

Year 2011. MMM is started up on the Internet.
It mainly includes citizens from Eastern European
countries. Sergey Mavrodi changed his role of the
owner for the role of an «advisor-consultant».
Every week he records video messages
to the Community members with tips and
ecommendations on participation. All funds are
kept on the accounts of the participants themselves
— Mr Mavrodi has no power over the funds.
Year 2012. Sergey Mavrodi finally creates equal
positions for all participants. Now everyone
receives the same percentage of the provided
help amount, regardless of the number of attracted
new members. However, participants do receive
bonuses for each invited user.
Year 2013. MMM becomes very popular and goes
beyond Eastern European countries. Participants
from all over the world start to join the Community.
Year 2014. MMM continues to admit participants
from different parts of the world — Asia, Africa,
Europe, America. The Community introduces
the possibility of using the Bitcoin cryptocurrency.
Now people can freely transfer money to each
other, even if they live in different states.
Year 2015. MMM starts to arrange charity events.
In different countries MMM leaders give food
to the poor, school supplies to children,
and so on.
Year 2016. MMM keeps growing worldwide.
Participants continue to hold charity events, donate
help to those in need.Dasdfgnb@gmail.comMMM communiiMMM progress from year 2011 - 2016

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