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Wednesday 1 February 2017

Lecturer, Dare Arowolo Blasts 2face Over Protest: You Benefited From Kleptocracy

I have personal admiration for Tuface Idibia as one of the accomplished celebrities in Nigeria, who promotes social cohesion through his music. His mobilization plan is gaining so much accelerated acceptance among the youth, majority of whom, as a result of bad governance, lack requisite intelligence to appraise and appreciate the root cause of the suffering they are going through. Tuface's intentions are noble, at least to the extent of offering himself to stand for the youth population. However, the motive for his mobilization call is a subject of partisan interpretations. Friends have argued here in support of this much celebrated mobilization plan, comparing Tuface with Fela and Marley. But I have found their comparative perspective objectionable. I do not think it is apt to compare Fela or Bob Marley with Tuface. This is because the duo of Fela and Marley never supported, either overtly or covertly, nor were silent over, the inhuman lootocracy and executive recklessness of the past, especially during their time, but Tuface did not only tacitly support but also directly benefited tremendously from the kleptocracy of the past from which he feasted voraciously and over which he cavalierly maintained unforgivable muted passivity. He therefore lacks moral justification to condemn and mobilize against a government, which is being pitiably crippled by the conspiratorial pilfering of our common patrimony of the immediate past. Heroism is earned through relentless and untiring display of sacrificial mien and selfless personality/leadership traits, not a blend of capitalist posture and socialist tendency to attain a tainted political interest for the disgruntled political elite.
As the date for the proposed protest draws nearer, more pressure is being mounted on music legend, Tuface as another lecturer blasts him over the nationwide protest. Dare Arowolo took to his Facebook account and wrote the following below

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