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Tuesday 14 July 2015

Football pitch hosts swimming event

A Russian football stadium is being
temporarily transformed into an aquatics
venue - with two Olympic-size swimming
pools being built on the pitch.
The Kazan Arena usually hosts Russian premier
league matches, but for two weeks this summer
it will be home to swimming and synchronised
swimming events during the World Aquatics
Championships. As well as the pair of 50m pools,
a temporary roof now adorns the stadium and
viewing platforms for about 11,000 people have
been constructed inside, the Tass news
agency reports.
Kazan already has another swimming venue -
the Aquatics Palace, completed in 2013 - but
organisers say adapting the football stadium has
extra benefits. "We can get more people in here,
the facilities are better, we can use the stadium's
skyboxes and VIP areas, and well, we wanted to
be creative," says Ranko Tepavcevic from the
International Swimming Federation. He tells Tass
that it was also more cost effective than building a
whole new facility.
While it's not unusual to see a football pitch
ringed by an athletics track, it's unlikely that many
others have doubled as aquatics centres. The
arena's deputy CEO, Vadims Andrejevs, says he
recently spoke to representatives from the
London's Wembley and Emirates stadiums,
which have hosted concerts and other events. "I
asked them: 'But have you built two swimming
pools in your stadium?' Of course they hadn't."

Rap star 50 Cent files for bankruptcy

Rapper 50 Cent has filed for Chapter 11
bankruptcy protection, according to reports
in the US.
The music star, businessman and actor, reported
in court papers that he has assets and debts in
the range of $10m to $50m (£6.5m- £32m),
according to the Wall Street Journal.
The filing comes days after a jury ruled that he
must pay $5m to a woman suing over a sex tape
50 Cent's 2003 album Get Rich or Die Tryin'
catapulted him to global fame.
Real name Curtis James Jackson III, the Grammy-
award winning rapper's business interests have
included clothes, boxing, drinks, and mining.
His stake in VitaminWater reportedly netted him
tens of millions of dollar when Coca-Cola bought
the drinks brand in 2007.
Chapter 11 allows companies time to re-organise
their finances while protecting them from
creditors' demands.
The court case stemmed from a video in which
the rapper is accused of adding a commentary to
a tape that the woman made with her boyfriend.
The tape was then leaked online.
In addition to the $5m penalty, the jury was due
this week to consider punitive damages in the
invasion-of-privacy lawsuit. However, it was
unclear if this would go ahead.
Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Paul Wooten
had requested that 50 Cent disclose details of his
'Business as usual'
However, the rapper's lawyers told the court that
he had filed for Chapter 11 in Connecticut, where
he owns a mansion he bought from boxer Mike
Later, a lawyer for 50 Cent (Mr Jackson), William
A Brewer III, said his client's business operations
would continue.
"Mr Jackson's business interests will continue
unaffected in the ordinary course during the
pendency of the Chapter 11 case,'' the attorney
said in a statement.
It added: "This filing for personal bankruptcy
protection permits Mr Jackson to continue his
involvement with various business interests and
continue his work as an entertainer."
50 Cent, aged 40, has sold more than 30 million
albums and won a Grammy Award in 2010. The
star's latest film role is in the upcoming
"Southpaw," in which he plays a boxing
In May, Forbes estimated 50 Cent's net worth
at $155m.
US President Barack Obama has commuted
the prison sentences of 46 drug offenders
as part of a renewed effort to reform the
criminal justice system.
In a video announcement, he said the
prisoners were not "hardened criminals" and had
been given sentences that "didn't fit their crimes".
He said it was part of a wider effort to restore the
sense of fairness in a "nation of second chances".
Mr Obama is due to unveil plans for criminal
justice reforms on Tuesday.
The 46 prisoners, 14 of whom were serving life
sentences, are scheduled to be released on 10
Most of them were jailed for crack cocaine
offences, which once carried a sentence
equivalent to someone caught with 100 times the
same amount of powder cocaine.
"These men and women were not hardened
criminals. But the overwhelming majority had to
be sentenced to at least 20 years," Mr Obama
"But I believe that at its heart, America's a nation
of second chances. And I believe these folks
deserve their second chance."
'Prove doubters wrong'
In a letter to one of the prisoners, Mr Obama
said he was granting the applications because
"you have demonstrated the potential to turn
your life around".
The letter ended: "I believe in your ability to prove
the doubters wrong, and change your life for the
better. So good luck, and Godspeed."
Mr Obama has now commuted the sentences of
89 prisoners, with most being non-violent drug
offenders who applied for clemency under an
initiative that began in April 2014.
A commutation leaves the conviction in place, but
ends the punishment.
Some of those to be freed
Larry Darnell Belcher (Martinsville, Virginia) -
Found guilty of intent to distribute cocaine and
possession with intent to distribute marijuana.
Sentenced to life imprisonment in 1997.
John L Houston Brower (Carthage, North
Carolina) - Found guilty of distributing crack
cocaine. Sentenced to life imprisonment in
Anthony Leon Carroll (Tampa, Florida) - Found
guilty of possession with intent to distribute
crack cocaine. Sentenced to 21 years in prison
in 1999.
Steven D Donovan (Oak Creek, Wisconsin)-
Found guilty of conspiracy to possess with
intent to distribute cocaine; interstate travel to
promote distribution of cocaine; possession
with intent to distribute cocaine. Sentenced to
life imprisonment in 1992.
In a statement, White House counsel Neil
Eggleston said Mr Obama is likely to issue more
commutations before leaving office in 2017.
But he added that "clemency alone will not fix
decades of overly punitive sentencing policies".
President Obama is due to lay out his plans for
criminal justice reform in a speech to the National
Association for the Advancement of Colored
People (NAACP) in Philadelphia on Tuesday.
On Thursday, he is expected to become the first
sitting president to visit a federal prison when he
goes to the El Reno Federal Correctional Institution
outside of Oklahoma City.
This week's focus on criminal justice signals a
renewed bid by Mr Obama's administration to
tackle what he sees as a lack of fairness in the
The last significant changes came in 2013 when
US Attorney General Eric Holder dropped
mandatory minimum sentences for non-violent
drug offenders.
Federal prisons in numbers
Some 208,000 people are behind bars in
federal prisons in the US
Nearly 50% of them are there for drug
About 37% of prisoners are black, while 34%
are Hispanic
The cost of incarceration in the US was $80bn
(£50bn) in 2010
Source: Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of

Three 'Xinjiang terrorists' shot dead by police in China

Police in the north-eastern Chinese city of
Shenyang have shot dead three "knife-
wielding" men, state media said, calling
them Xinjiang terrorists.
A woman was also injured in the raid which took
place on Monday afternoon.
Xinjiang province, home to a significant Muslim
Uighur population, has seen several clashes and
public attacks in recent years, which police have
attributed to terrorists.
Monday's incident was one of the few such
clashes outside of Xinjiang.
Several state media outlets quoted a statement
posted on Monday night on micro-blogging site
Weibo. The account is owned by the
government of Liaoning province, whose capital
is Shenyang.
The statement appeared to have been taken
down by Tuesday morning. It remains unclear
why it was removed, but China regularly censors
online content deemed to be sensitive.
'Shouting slogans'
The statement, as reproduced in Chinese media,
said that police caught 16 "terrorism suspects" in
a raid in Shenyang.
During the raid, officers entered a rented
apartment where they "discovered Xinjiang
terrorist suspects" and were attacked by four
people "wearing headgear, holding long knives,
and shouting 'holy war' slogans," the statement
Police then retreated and called for back-up. More
than 200 officers, including an anti-terrorist unit,
evacuated nearby residents and surrounded the
building. A cherry picker was used to reach the
seventh-floor apartment.
Pictures of the raid posted on a Weibo
account owned by state broadcaster CCTV
showed armed, uniformed men stationed on a
rooftop and in a cherry picker cabin.
Police said they also took into custody a 28-year-
old Uighur woman and three children.
China has seen frequent reports of deadly clashes
with police and public attacks in Xinjiang
attributed to terrorism, but few incidents have
been reported outside of the restive region.
In March 2014 a stabbing spree in Kunming city
which killed 29 people was blamed on Xinjiang
separatists, as was an October 2013 incident
where a car ploughed into a crowd and burst into
flames in Beijing's Tiananmen Square.
Rights groups have accused China of persecution
and torture of the Uighur minority, but China has
rejected such claims.

Boy Scouts of America votes to end ban on gay adults

The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) has
unanimously approved a resolution to end
the organisation's ban on gay adults
working as leaders.
The group's national executive board will meet to
ratify the resolution on 27 July, the Boy Scouts
said in a statement.
It is a major step towards ending a policy that
has caused deep rifts in the group, which was set
up in 1910.
The BSA voted to end a ban on allowing open
gay boys to become scouts in 2013.
Earlier this year, former US defence secretary
Robert Gates, who is BSA president, told the
group's national meeting that the ban on gay
adults needed to end, saying it was no longer
The selection of Mr Gates as president in 2014
was seen as an opportunity to revisit the policy
since he helped end the "don't ask, don't tell"
policy that barred openly gay people from
serving in the US military.
The resolution, which was passed by the BSA's
17-member executive committee on Friday, will
become official policy if it is ratified by the 80-
member executive board later this month.
It will allow scout units to set their own policy on
the issue and mean they can select adult leaders
without regard to sexual orientation.
It will, however, also allow units with religious
ties to "continue to choose adult leaders whose
beliefs are consistent with their own".
Several denominations that sponsor large
numbers of scout units - including the Roman
Catholic Church and the Southern Baptist
Convention - have been apprehensive about
ending the ban on gay adults.
The resolution was hailed by Zach Wahls, an
Eagle Scout (the highest boy scout rank) raised by
two lesbians who now heads the advocacy
group Scouts for Equality.
"While this policy change is not perfect - BSA's
religious chartering partners will be allowed to
continue to discriminate against gay adults - it is
difficult to overstate the importance of today's
announcement," Mr Wahls said.

Should we build a village on the Moon?

Professor Johann-Dietrich Woerner has been in
his new job as Director General of the European
Space Agency (Esa) for a week. In charge of a
€4.4 billion annual budget, the former Chair of the
German space agency is ultimately responsible
for everything at Esa. Europe’s new observation,
weather, communication and navigation satellites;
astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS)
; missions to Mars, Mercury and Jupiter; and a
sleepy lander on a duck-shaped comet all
come under his remit.
When I ask him about his intentions for Esa, I
expect a predictable and politically nuanced
answer about the economic and social benefits of
space or maybe the importance for science of
exploring the unknown Universe. Instead,
Woerner surprises me with a vision for a future
of space exploration that is both ambitious and
“We should look to the future beyond the
International Space Station,” he tells me. “We
should look for a smaller spacecraft in low-Earth
orbit for microgravity research and I propose a
Moon village on the far side of the Moon.”
Yes, a village on the Moon.
A Moon village shouldn’t just mean some
houses, a church and a town hall – Johann-
Dietrich Woerner
Just the sort of daring vision that took Nasa from
a standing start to the Moon in the 1960s, but
today – possibly constrained by its political
masters – the US space agency appears to be
lacking ambition.
“A Moon village shouldn’t just mean some
houses, a church and a town hall,” says
Woerner. “This Moon village should mean
partners from all over the world contributing to
this community with robotic and astronaut
missions and support communication satellites.”
3D printer
There are good reasons, he says, for going back
to the Moon for science as well as using it a
stepping-stone to further human exploration of
the Solar System.
“The far side of the Moon is very interesting
because we could have telescopes looking deep
into the Universe, we could do lunar science on
the Moon and the international aspect is very
special,” he explains. “The Americans are looking
to go to Mars very soon – and I don’t see how
we can do that – before going to Mars we should
test what we could do on Mars on the Moon.”
For example, Woerner suggests, the technology
being investigated by Nasa to construct a Mars
base using a giant 3D printer would be better
tried out on the Moon first. Learning to live on an
alien world is going to be tough – but the
challenge would be a lot easier, particularly in an
emergency, if the extraterrestrial community is
only four days away from Earth rather than six
Woerner envisages his Moon village as a
multinational settlement involving astronauts,
Russian cosmonauts and maybe even Chinese
taikonauts. This would considerably extend the
relatively limited number of nations involved in
the ISS.
“We should have international cooperation,
without any limitations, with any countries of the
world,” says Woerner. “We have enough Earthly
problems between different nations – space can
bridge these Earthly problems and the Moon
seems to be to be a good proposal.
Experience shows that there is no wall
between exploration and practical
“Isolating a country is not the right way, a much
better solution is to find ways to cooperate in
space to strengthen ties between humans on
Earth,” he adds, in what could be taken as a veiled
criticism of America’s refusal to engage with the
Chinese space programme. “If you think about an
alien visiting the Earth and seeing what we are
doing here, I’m not sure whether they would
Moon in vogue?
Woerner has a robust response for those who
criticise money spent on space exploration and
astronomical research.
“Experience shows that there is no wall between
exploration and practical applications,” he says.
“Look at the greenhouse effect – everyone knows
what it is and we use satellites to investigate it –
but this was not discovered on Earth, it was
discovered by an exploration mission to Venus.”
Right now the Moon village idea is just that; an
idea, a proposal. No nation or agency has
committed any money or mapped out the
concept in any detail.
There is, however, growing interest in returning
to the Moon. When, for instance, BBC Future
recently asked experts to predict the next
decade of space exploration they all cited the
Moon as a destination of choice.
Woerner says he is voicing the idea of a Moon
village to encourage discussion about the future
of space research, exploration and the
applications of space technology. “I will be very
happy if someone else has a better idea,” he tells
Nevertheless, as one of the world’s most senior
and powerful space figures, Woerner’s proposal
will be taken seriously. Nasa is still vague about
where it plans to fly its new Orion spacecraft –
fitted incidentally with an Esa service module –
and the Moon would seem to be a suitably
inspirational destination.
“In our genes there is something beyond just
practical applications,” Woerner says. “We like to
discover, to pioneer – this is humankind and this
is what brings us into the future.”

Saturday 11 July 2015

» Buhari And Osinbajo Slash Salary By 50% «

President Muhammadu Buhari and Vice
President Yemi Osinbajo have announced
their decision to take only 50 per cent of the
salary approved for them by the Revenue
Mobilisation Allocation and Fiscal
Their decision was contained in a statement
made available to journalists on Friday by
the Senior Special Assistant to the President
on Media and Publicity, Mallam Garba
The President’s current annual
remuneration as approved by RMAFC is put
at N14,058,820.00.
With this development, Buhari will earn
N7m per year throughout his four-year
Shehu said the President’s decision to cut
his salary by half had been conveyed to the
Office of the Secretary to the Government
of the Federation on Friday by the
Permanent Secretary of the State House,
Mr. Nebolisa Emodi.
“I write to forward the completed IPPIS
registration form of Mr. President and to
draw your kind attention to Mr. President’s
directive that only 50% of his salary be paid
to him,” the presidential spokesman quoted
Emodi as writing in the letter with reference
number PRES/81/SGF/17.
Shehu said Osinbajo had similarly given up
half of his official remuneration.
He however did not disclose the reason
behind the decision in his statement.
But in a telephone interview with our
correspondent, Shehu said Buhari, by his
action, was sending a clear message to
Nigerians on the need to make sacrifices for
the nation.
He said having done that for himself, the
President was expecting other political office
holders and indeed all Nigerians to borrow a
leaf from him.
Shehu said, “That voluntary action of the
President is pregnant with meaning.
“It is a message of sacrifice for national
“Since the President has done this for
himself, he is expecting that others will join
him in making sacrifices for their
Buhari had on Wednesday turned down an
offer by the Federal Government to procure
five new armoured Mercedes Benz S-600
(V222) cars for his use.
The cars, which total cost is put at about
N400m, were planned to be purchased by
the State House.
A Presidency source had told journalists on
Thursday that Buhari got to know of the
plan when the Permanent Secretary briefed
him of his activities on Wednesday.

» CBN N8bn Scam Suspect Has Hole In The Heart - Lawyer «

Justice Olayinka Faaji of the Federal High
Court, Ibadan Division, has been told that
one of the suspects in the N8bn mutilated
currency fraud suit, involving staff of the
Central Bank of Nigeria and other
commercial banks, has been diagnosed as
having a in the heart.
Yakubu Ruba, who is the counsel for the
suspect, Dolapo Oni, told Faaji that his client
was diagnosed with hypertensive heart
disease at the University College Hospital,
Ibadan, and was unable to make it to the
court because of ill health.
He produced a letter from the hospital,
stating that the hospital had no facility to
treat him immediately.
Ruba also made an oral application, praying
the court to allow his client to be transfer to
Lagos for treatment.
Oni, Afolabi Olunike, Ademola Adewale and
Omotosho Abimbola, who is now at large,
are standing trial for economic crime
involving N1.7bn.
They are being prosecuted by the Economic
and Financial Crimes Commission.
But Justice Faaji frowned on the counsel oral
application, saying since he was not
informed that Oni was being taken to the
hospital for treatment and diagnosis by the
prison management, there was no point
seeking his approval for hid transfer to
Ruba told journalists after the proceeding
that his client deserved the best treatment to
stand a chance of continuing the trial.
He said, “My client is seriously sick with a
hole in the heart in prison custody but the
court insisted that we should come
properly and unfortunately, the court is
going on vacation today until around
September 15 before the court resumes.”
Also on Friday, Justice Faaji ruled against the
prayer of one of the counsel for the accused
persons to withdraw from the case on the
ground of bias.
The counsel for two of the suspects,
Olalekan Ojo, had appealed against Justice
Faaji’s ruling, which turned down his bail
application for his clients.
Ojo had also urged the judge to hand off
the case, arguing that Justice Faaji’s
pronouncement, while denying the bail
application, showed that he had presumed
the accused guilty before hearing the case.
The counsel also called for a stay of
proceeding pending the determination of
the Appeal Court on the bail application.
While Justice Faaji granted the stay of
proceeding, he however ruled out
disqualifying himself from the case.
Delivering his ruling in the case which
involved Kolawole Babalola, Olaniran
Adeola, Toogun Philip, Isaac Akano,
Ayodele Adeyemi, Oyebamiji Akeem,
Ayodeji Aleshe and Ajiwe Adegoke, the
judge said, “I therefore grant the prayer of
the motion filed on June 26, 2015 as prayed
since the appeal, relating to charges FH/
IB/32c-34c, is pending summons
application. This motion applies to the three
other charges.”

» INEC Fixes Dates For Kogi, Bayelsa Governorship Elections «

The Independent National Electoral
Commission has fixed dates for the conduct
of governorship elections in Kogi and
Bayelsa states.
The commission said in Abuja on Friday
that governorship election will hold in Kogi
State on November 21 while that of Bayelsa
State is to hold on December 5, 2015.
This information was contained in a
statement by INEC’s Chairman, Information
and Voter Education Committee, Dr. Chris
Iyimoda added that primaries for the
elections shall be held on or before August
23, 2015 and September 5, 2015,
respectively for the two states in
accordance with the provisions of the
Electoral Act 2014 (as amended).
The commission added that campaigns by
political parties shall commence on July 24
and end on November 29 in Kogi while that
of Bayelsa will be from September 6 to
December 4, 2015.
Governorship elections did not hold in the
affected states during the last April 11
governorship election because the tenure of
the two governors have yet to end.
The two states are in the hand of the main
opposition party, the Peoples Democratic
However, while Governor Idris Wada of
Kogi State is battling with the All
Progressives Congress, which has made
serious incursion into the state, Governor
Seriake Dickson on the other, is facing
internal rebellion within his party in Bayelsa
The APC had the upper hand in Kogi State
during the last general electios.
Meanwhile, there are also rumours that
Wada may be denied his party’s ticket for
the election due to what a member of the
National Working Committee of the PDP
attributed to the governor’s “poor
“The information we are having is that
Wada is not doing well and that if we field
him, we may lose the state,” the source
Indication that Wada may not have things
easy appears to be manifesting.
When the governor visited the party
headquarters over the cancellation of the
ad-hoc delegates for the Ward Congresses
in the state 10 days ago, he stormed out of
the party national secretariat, shortly after
meeting with the Acting National Chairman
of the party, Prince Uche Secondus.
Wada, who arrived at the party secretariat
early in the morning to have a meeting the
NWC, was kept waiting for hours.

» Police Seal Up 22 Rivers LG Secretariat On Orders From IG «

Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Ezenwo
Wike has called on the people of Rivers
State to remain calm despite policemen
sealing up of all council secretariats in the
that on the orders of the Inspector General
of Police.
Inaugurating the Rivers State Independent
Electoral Commission ( RSIEC ) and the
Rivers State Judicial Service Commission on
Friday, Governor Wike regretted that the
Police would take such an action despite the
nullification of local government elections by
the Federal High Court.
He said the state government will always
respect the rule of law, urging the people of
the state to be patient despite the
He said : “We woke up this morning to
witness the change they talked about. The
police took over all the council secretariats
preventing the caretaker committees from
gaining access”
Speaking further, Governor Wike charged
the RSIEC to conduct credible local
government elections in line with extant
He urged the commission to preparations
for the elections as the caretaker
committees will stay for six months.
The governor also charged the Rivers State
Judicial Service Commission to take steps to
correct the anomalies in the state judiciary.
Responding, Chairman State Judicial Service
Commission and State Acting Chief Judge,
Justice Daisy Okocha assured the governor
that members would address the
challenges facing the state judiciary.
Chairman of the RSIEC, Justice CI Uriri said
that the commission would conduct
elections in line with constitutional
Also on Friday, the governor inaugurated
the Rivers State Civil Service Commission,
the Rivers State Local Government Service
Commission and the Rivers State House of
Assembly Service Commission.
Simeon Nwakaudu,
July 10,2015.

Thursday 9 July 2015

» Tinubu Turns Back On Tambuwal For Betraying Gbajabiamila - ThisDay «

According to online news medium, The Will,
Tinubu, who played host to Tambuwal at his
Asokro residence in Abuja, a fortnight after the
speakership election in which Hon. Femi
Gbajabiamila lost to Hon Yakubu Dogara, told
Tambuwal that “with what you did to Femi in the
House, you have severed the umbilical cord
joining you with the South-West.”
Tinubu, a source revealed, was in company of
some Northern members of the APC when the ex
Speaker came calling.
“Did you people in the House do this in
anticipation of 2019…It is too early. You should
allow this government to succeed,” Tinubu was
quoted as saying.
In an emotion laden voice, Tinubu reminded the
Sokoto State governor of the role Gbajabiamila
played in his emergence as Speaker in 2011.
It was common knowledge that Tinubu,
persuaded by Hon. Abike Dabiri-Erewa, had
started galvanising support for former House
Leader, Hon Mulikat Adeola-Akande in the
immediate past 7th National Assembly. But when
Gbajabiamila rushed to him with the name of
Tambuwal, he quickly accepted.
Before doing so, he prodded Gbajabiamila on
whether Tambuwal can be trusted and the
former acquiesced. Gbajabiamila even had
additional praise for the ex Speaker, saying if it is
intelligence and competence, then Tambuwal is
undoubtedly the man.
The APC leader decried how Tambuwal
stampeded Gov. Abdulazeez Yari of Zamfara
State into cajoling members from his state to
vote against Gbajabiamila.
Openly chastised, Tambuwal hurriedly pleaded
with Tinubu to drop the matter, saying ” it
appears this is not a good time to come and see
you,. I’ll come back again some other time.”
It was gathered that Tinubu was miffed by
Tambuwal’s betrayal of Gbajabiamila not only
because of the role he played in his emergence as
Speaker in 2011 but because of his influence to
secure the governorship ticket of Sokoto for him.
Initially, Tambuwal’s predecessor, Senator Aliyu
Magatakarda Wamakko, had preferred and
worked for a relative of his to succeed him. But
Tinubu prevailed on him to give it to Tambuwal,
arguing that it will be unfair to leave the
incumbent governor in the lurch after his travails
in the hands of the PDP.
The source added that it was Tinubu who
purchased the N21 million nomination form for
Tambuwal to run for the presidency as his
thought was that should Buhari decide to step
down, Tambuwal would have been drafted in his

» Agbaje Will Soon Be Declared Lagos Governor – PDP «

In this interview with ENIOLA AKINKUOTU, the
Publicity Secretary of the Peoples Democratic
Party in Lagos State, Mr. Taofik Gani, talks about
the party’s attempts to upturn the victory of
Governor Akinwunmi Ambode, among other
The Lagos State Election Petitions Tribunal
has reaffirmed Governor Akinwunmi
Ambode’s victory at the poll. Doesn’t this
mean that the All Progressives Congress
truly won the election?
We see the ruling of the tribunal as a miscarriage
of justice. It is at variance with the law because
even the prayers of the petitioner and the
defendant were left out only for the panel to bring
up an action saying that the PDP ought to have
requested for a re-election which was not part of
our prayers. Our prayer was that we should be
declared the winner of the election because
Ambode was not validly nominated by his party
as the notice of the primary given to the
Independent National Electoral Commission did
not meet the deadline. So, it is our intention to
challenge this at the Appeal Court and we are
optimistic that the court will upturn the ruling and
that is why we are telling the people of Lagos to
be patient as their mandate will soon be returned
to them.
But does the PDP have evidence that the
APC rigged the governorship election?
There is no doubt that the PDP won that election
but the APC used its power of incumbency to
manipulate the election. The APC has also been
known to manipulate the judiciary. It is a known
fact. We believe that the APC will go the extra mile
to deny us our mandate but we will fight them to
a logical conclusion. We are also considering
petitioning the National Judicial Council over the
manner in which the panel handled our case. It is
not within the power of any court to have made
that ruling.
How do you see the administration of
Governor Ambode?
Well, the Lagos State chapter of the PDP wants to
state categorically that there is no difference
between Ambode and his predecessor, Mr.
Babatunde Fashola. Fortunately for Ambode, he
has the opportunity to put his name in the good
books of the people. We believe that Ambode has
the opportunity to perform but so far, he has
failed to do some things that we expected him to
do within the first week so that the people will
know that change has come.
For instance, he has failed to take a stance on the
reopening of the Lagos State University. Also,
there are so many obnoxious laws which he is
supposed to have immediately repealed. The
issue of commercial motorcyclists, popularly
called ‘okada’ riders, should be addressed in a
humane manner. Although we concede that it
may not be right for motorcyclists to ride on
some roads, they must also be considered
because they rely on this job to sustain their
We also expect Ambode to look into the welfare
of the civil servants who are working but
suffering in silence. So, we believe that Ambode
is slow and is already failing so early.
How true is the allegation that some of
your supporters are being maltreated by
the APC-led state government?
We are already accustomed to that. We have
always been in the opposition in Lagos and have
always suffered victimisation. Now that the APC
are in control of the Federal Government, we
have been put in a more precarious situation but
we are trying to wriggle out of this because
Nigeria is still a nation of laws. Presently,
however, there is a deliberate attack on a set of
people, especially the non-indigenes in Lagos
who were believed to have supported the PDP in
the last elections. So, they are being attacked
physically and psychologically and this is wrong.
Governor Ambode cannot say it is only the
Yoruba that voted for him.
You accused the state government of
demolishing Igbo-dominated markets but
the government has since denied this,
stating that you were merely seeking
It is unfortunate that Governor Ambode wants to
continue with the era of Fashola where obvious
mistakes were denied and diversionary attempts
were made. It is a fact that before the election of
Governor Ambode, the traders in the Ladipo Auto
Spare Parts Market were told to either support the
APC or risk their shops being demolished. We
have this information on good authority. So, they
are just making good their threats. It is
unfortunate that the Mushin Local Government
chairman is denying it now but we have video
and audio evidence of this demolition. It was
done illegally to ostracise the Igbo. We have told
the traders to report this government to the
International Criminal Court.
But the state government says the
reconstruction is in line with the Lagos
megacity plan and the traders agreed to it.
What the state government has done is unfair
and it is unjust because this was the same
government that promulgated the rent law which
states that a tenant is entitled to a statutory notice
before any drastic action can be taken. But the
traders did not even know until the day that their
shops were demolished. This is not politics but
the simple truth. Ambode should know that
power is transient and if he does not soft-pedal,
he might become the first governor in Lagos to
witness a rebellion.
What’s your take on the SURE-P crisis in
There was never a time that the PDP recruited
people into the so-called SURE-P task force. There
is a Federal Government SURE-P which the state
government cannot deny because they also
benefitted from the money.
Unfortunately, however, some people fell into the
hands of fraudsters who capitalised on the
desperation of some unemployed youths but we
are on the ground trying to help them recover
their monies. We are aware that the APC
leadership has hijacked the situation and are using
it to blackmail us. Unfortunately, some members
of the PDP were among the perpetrators but we
have not been able to confirm that. But I can
confirm to you that the PDP has no hand in the
SURE-P task force.

Wednesday 8 July 2015

» How 4 Guys Abducted & Gang-Raped 16- Year-Old Virgin In Lagos «

Three young men are currently cooling
their heels in one of the dreaded cells of the
State criminal Investigation Department,
(SCID) Yaba, Panti for allegedly gang raping
a 16-year-old virgin (names withheld) in
Orile area of Lagos while on her way from
school. The suspects identified as Sunday
Simeon, 18, from Akwa Ibom state;
Adebayo Omoniyi 18, from Ondo state;
Nnaemeka Uzodinma 24, from Imo state
and Seyi (surname unknown) who is
currently on the run attacked, abducted and
gang raped the victim who is a JSS 3
student on June 23, 2015.
Vanguard learnt that the suspects attacked
the victim after one of the suspects;
Adebayo took the victim’s phone around
Arikeuyo junction while returning from
school at Orile. It was gathered that while
the victim was struggling with Adebayo, his
partners-in-crime dragged her into a tricycle
and rode her to no 15 Unity Close in Orile
Iganmu. When they got there they took off
her school uniform and raped her one after
the other starting from Adebayo.
Vanguard gathered that after successfully
raping the victim, one of the suspects
Adebayo suggested to the other gang
members that they kill the victim and throw
her corpse into the canal so that she won’t
expose them. But another member of the
gang, Seyi pleaded with them to be
cautious with Adebayo’s advice, instead
advice his colleagues to threaten the victim
rather than kill her.
Hearkening to Seyi’s advice the suspects
threatened to kill her with a cutlass if she
ever mentioned to anyone what they did to
her or that they gang raped her. Later they
collected her phone number and rode her
back to Alako area in Orile while Sunday
gave her N100 to board a commercial
vehicle home. According to a source close
to the family who spoke to Vanguard on
the condition of anonymity said: “when the
victim came back from school it was
obvious that something was wrong as she
was walking with difficulty, her uniform
torn, she was bleeding because she
sustained severe bruises all over her
“Her parents who saw her torn uniform
and noticed the way she walked asked what
had happened to her and she told them
how she was attacked by four men who
raped her on her way back from school.
Immediately her father took her to Orile
Divisional Police station to report the
incidence. Fortunately while she was at the
station with her father the suspects kept
calling and threatening to kill her if she told
anyone what they did to her”.
Meanwhile the victim was taken to Ifelodun
Ajeromi Government Hospital where she
received treatment after a series of test were
carried out on her which confirmed that he
has been sexually abused. Vanguard learnt
that the police advised her to lure the
suspects who were calling and threatening
her by telling them that she was coming to
see them again after school the next day.
Unknown to them that it was a trap and
that her parents had notified the police, they
bought the idea.
At the agreed time she went there with the
detectives who succeeded in arresting one
of the suspect’s Nnaemeka Uzodinma, his
arrest eventually led to the arrest of two
others. It was gathered that the victim’s
blood stained pant and the cutlass which
was used to threaten her have been
recovered from the suspects one-room
apartment in Orile. The suspects who are
currently being investigated at the State
Criminal Investigation Department, yaba,
Panti would soon be arraigned in court.

» 76-Year-Old Retired School Principal Dies On Top 18-Year-Old Girl During Sex «

76-yr-old retired school principal
identified as Pa Alphonsus Dimgba, has
reportedly died while exerting himself
on an 18-year-old girl he was having
sex with.
According to reports, the incident occurred
in a community in Enugu State where the
old man who retired from a public school in
Anambra State some years ago, had gone
back to and became a community leader.
But his undoing, according to residents,
was his love for anything in skirt, not
sparing the young and the old, even the
married women.
A resident of the community who sent
in the report, said that Pa Dimgba, an
elder in the local Catholic Church, was
so fond of philandering with other
women and had been caught several
times and warned to desist from such
acts but he always waved such away
until the last 'supper' which sent him to
the great beyond.
"It was in the early hours of the day when
most people had gone to the farms and
other businesses when we heard the girl
screams. The screams were so loud and
unending that it drew many people towards
the direction of the screams and what we
found out shocked everyone.
It happened in the girl's father's house.
There we found Pa Dimgba sprawled
Unclad on the floor, foaming in the mouth.
Before he could be rushed to the hospital,
he had given up the ghost.
The girl was handed over to the police
and she confessed that it was not the
first time she and the deceased had
been having sex and that while they
were at it, her old lover suddenly
developed a seizure and slumped to
the floor."

» Female Suicide Bomber Launches Deadly Attack At Military Checkpoint In Borno, Kills 4 «

A female suicide bomber today killed four
people at a military checkpoint in a
community in Borno State, a security
source who is a leader of the civilian joint
task force told SaharaReporters.
The source disclosed that the bomber
alighted from a vehicle at a military
checkpoint in the Sabon Gari area of
Damboa, a town in Damboa local
government area of Borno State, and then
detonated her bomb, killing herself as well
as four other people. Scores of people
sustained varying degrees of injuries. Our
source stated that two of the dead were
members of the civilian joint task force that
helps to provide security in the terror-
plagued northeast zone of Nigeria.
“At about 10:30 this morning, a female
bomber wrapped up with explosive devices
exploded herself at a checkpoint killing four
people, including two members of civilian
JTF,” the source said.
The location of today’s bombing is in the
southern part of Borno State, about 90
miles away from Maiduguri, the state
Islamist terrorists belonging to Boko Haram
have intensified attacks throughout the
Nigerian northeast zone that is ravaged by
sectarian violence. A member of one
human rights group based in Abuja stated
that close to 1000 civilians have been killed
since May 29, 2015 when President
Muhammadu Buhari was sworn in.
Mr. Buhari had ordered the relocation of the
military command to Maiduguri in order to
achieve greater success in the fight against
Islamist insurgents. However, Boko Haram
fighters seem to be regaining momentum,
launching suicide and gun attacks against
civilian and military targets on an almost
daily basis.

» Nigerian Army Can’t Defeat Boko Haram Alone – UK High Commissioner «

The outgoing British High Commissioner to
Nigeria, Andrew Pocock, has said the problem of
Boko Haram insurgency in North-east Nigeria is
not something that can be resolved with the use
of the army, the police or the security agencies
Speaking at a farewell interactive session with
members of Kaduna chapter of the Nigeria Union
of Journalists Correspondent Chapel in Kaduna on
Monday, Mr. Pocock said: “We don’t look at the
problem in the Northeast as purely a security
problem. It is not something that can be resolved
with the use of the army of the police or the
security agencies only. It is not going to be
“There has to be three different things; the first is
a properly articulated security efforts. The second
is that, there has to be a different kind of politics in
the Northeast, where state and Federal
Government work together instead of against
each other and where there is a much more
common and agreed agenda about what needs
to be done to correct many years of mis-
governance and of poor policy in the North-east.
“The third dimension has to be a developmental
and economic uplift agenda. Too many,
particularly young people are not only without
employment in the North-east but because of the
insurgency are without any economic prospect
whatsoever. No one can live without hope and
indeed if the economic and the developmental
aspect of these are not addressed, the
opportunities for radicalisation are much greater.
So, those three things have to work in tandem,
the security instrument, politics and
development/economic approach.”
He however stated that with the new
government of President Muhammadu Buhari,
people are looking to a chance to get out of the
security situation in the North-east, adding that, in
the overall, there is greater possibility of stability
and economic success, economic recovery
perhaps than they might have been before the
The High Commissioner said although the army
had some successes in 2013, those efforts were
not followed up and Boko Haram came surging
back in 2014 and effectively controlled most of the
North-eastern country in Borno State as well as
Adamawa and Yobe.
“20, 000 people killed in a conflict is a very
serious matter,” he said.
He said in the overall, there is greater possibility of
stability and economic success, economic
recovery perhaps than they might have been
before the election.
“The British government has long been involved
in training Nigerian soldiers to fight the very
difficult anti-insurgency combat that they are
faced with in the North-east,” he said. “We have
done this with some success. There is a lot more
that we can do. What we need is high level
access to the new people that President Buhari is
likely to appoint.”

» News Flash: Jonathan Returns To Nigeria From US, UK Vacation - Punch «

Former President Goodluck Jonathan
returns home after a short vacation in the
US and the UK, his close aides confirm.
Details later.

» EFCC Arrests Ex-Governor Lamido And Two Sons Over Money Laundering «

The Economic and Financial Crimes
Commission has arrested a former
Governor of Jigawa State, Alhaji Sule
Lamido, for alleged money laundering
related offences.
Investigations revealed that operatives of
the anti-graft agency picked up the former
governor and his two sons, Mustapha and
Aminu, in Abuja on Tuesday.
It was gathered that the anti-graft agency
picked up the governor and his sons in the
early hours today.
It was learnt that EFCC detectives flew the
suspects to Kano by 2.30pm in preparation
for their arraignment in Kano.
A source in the commission said, “The
former Governor of Jigawa State, Alhaji Sule
Lamido, and his two sons, Mustapha and
Aminu, were arrested this morning by
operatives of the commission.
“They were with us for hours before they
were flown to Kano for possible
arraignment on Wednesday. They left
Abuja Airport around 2.30pm.
“It is most likely that they would be
arraigned tomorrow, that I can tell you.”
The EFCC had arrested the two sons of the
governor in November 2015 over alleged
misappropriation of billions of Naira
belonging to the Jigawa State Government.
Operatives of the commission, investigating
Lamido and his sons, alleged that billions of
state government funds were traced into
accounts of companies owned and
operated by the governor and his two
Head of Media and Publicity of the EFCC, Mr.
Wilson Uwujaren, confirmed the arrest of
the former governor and his two sons to
our correspondent on the telephone on
He said, “I can confirm to you that the
former Governor of Jigawa State, Alhaji Sule
Lamido, and his two sons are with the

» Buhari May Sideline EFCC, ICPC In Loot Recovery «

PRESIDENT Muhammadu Buhari may
not involve the nation’s anti-graft
agencies such as the Economic and
Financial Crimes Commission and the
Independent Corrupt Practices and
Other Related Offences Commission in
his government’s efforts at
recovering looted funds, The PUNCH
has learnt.
Our correspondents learnt on Monday that
the President did not have confidence in the
anti-graft agencies.
A top government official, who is familiar
with the Buhari’s government’s efforts at
recovering looted funds, told The PUNCH in
confidence that President might rely more
on people outside the system to achieve
good results.
The official said, “The President’s body
language as far as the anti-corruption
agencies are concerned suggests that
he does not have so much confidence
in them.
“Most of the recovery job may be
done by people outside the system,
like consultants.”
He added that Buhari’s reliance on outsiders
had started yielding positive results and that
the President was currently in possession of
incriminating information about individuals
and institutions suspected to be culpable in
looting the nation’s treasury.
He added that the information was not
made available to Buhari by the anti-graft
agencies but by concerned individuals and
“I can confirm to you that the President has
received plenty information that is useful for
the recovery process. Anti-graft agencies
are not the sources of the information. He
got the information from different sources,
including anonymous and known sources,”
he said.
When contacted, the Special Adviser to the
President on Media and Publicity, Mr. Femi
Adesina, said Buhari was committed to the
recovery and repatriation of all stolen funds
from any part of the world.
The President had on June 23 said his
administration had received firm assurances
of cooperation from the United States and
other countries in his quest to recover and
repatriate funds stolen from Nigeria.
He said it was up to Nigeria to provide the
international community with the facts and
figures needed to drive the recovery effort,
saying that he would be busy in the next
three months, getting the facts that would
help in recovering the stolen funds.
“In the next three months, our
administration will be busy getting those
facts and the figures to help us recover our
stolen funds in foreign countries,’’ he had
said while granting audience to members of
the Northern Traditional Rulers Council, led
by the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Sa’ad
Abubakar III, at the Presidential Villa, Abuja.
It was learnt on Monday that the President
had not given any directive on the recovery
of stolen funds to any of the nation’s anti-
graft agencies.
Investigations revealed that the leadership of
the EFCC and the ICPC were unsure of the
level of their expected involvement in the
task of recovering the looted funds under
Some very senior officers of the anti-graft
agencies told one of our correspondents in
confidence that they had not been involved
in any looted funds recovery effort under
Buhari’s administration because the
President had not indicated what he
expected from them in the exercise.
An officer in a strategic position in one of
the agencies simply said he had no
knowledge of whether the President had
issued a directive or not.
It was gathered that the President had been
engrossed in discrete moves to recover
billions of Naira believed to have been stolen
by officials of previous governments.
Buhari was said to have reached out to his
counterparts in several countries to seek
assistance on how the stolen funds could
be repatriated.
It was further gathered that some of the
leaders contacted had indicated readiness to
assist the President on the issue of assets
The government source said that some of
the politicians who got wind of the move
by the President had become jittery and
had commenced moves to return some of
the funds in a bid to avoid being humiliated.
However, the source could not give the
exact amount of money believed to have
been recovered so far in the course of the
efforts by Buhari to recover stolen Nigerian
The source said, “Let me make it clear that
no anti-graft agency is involved in the
ongoing efforts to recover stolen funds.
“The fact is that nobody is sure of what the
President wants to do or which security
agency he intends to rely on in the bid to
recover some of these funds.
“What we know is that he reached out to
some foreign countries where some of
these former government officials have
gone to hide the funds and these countries
are cooperating with him. They have
promised to assist him to recover them.
“Some of those involved who got wind of
the President’s move have started returning
some of the stolen money.”
Most of the missing funds in Nigeria are
believed to have been lodged in secret bank
accounts in the U.S., UK, Switzerland and
other European countries.
The President had indicated his resolve to
trace and recover all such stolen funds on
his resumption at the Presidential Villa on
June 27, 2015.
The President, who raised the alarm that he
met an empty treasury, said that billions of
dollars stashed away in foreign accounts
could be recovered in the next three
Adesina had told Saturday PUNCH that the
Federal Government had the intention of
engaging foreign private investigators to
assist the country in tracing the looted

Popular Pastor Calls For Majek Fashek To Be Brought To Him For Deliverance

Pastor Wole Oladiyun of the Christ Living
Apostolic Ministries (CLAM) has asked that
Majek Fashek to be brought to him for
Pastor Calls For Majek Fashek To Deliver Him
Oladiyun as reported made the announcement
during the first service of the church on Sunday.
READ ALSO: Read What Majek Fashek’s Wife
Said About The Legendary Singer’s Terrible Turn
According to him, there is nothing impossible for
God to do and the ‘rain maker’ can still rise again.
Pastor Calls For Majek Fashek To Deliver Him
Meanwhile, the latest key industry personality to
wade into the matter is, Charlie Boy who is
seeking support for Fashek’s rehabilitation.
Charlie Boy, who spoke to the News Agency of
Nigeria (NAN), in Abuja today said Majek Fashek
was an iconic artiste who should not be left in his
present terrible condition.
His one time back up singer, Monica, first started
a foundation to save the legendary singer.

Friday 3 July 2015

» Top Ten Richest People In Nigeria 2015 And Their Net Worth «

AGE: 66
OCCUPATION: Oil Business
NET WORTH: $670 Million (2014)
Mohammed Indimi is the founder and
chairman of Oriental Energy Resources,
Limited. This
company has interest in the oil sector,
especially in the Nigerian Upstream Oil and
Gas sector. Mohammed Indimi founded his
company in 1990 and has expanded the
company’s portfolio that it now has assets
in Offshore Nigeria. These assets include the
Ebok Field (OML 67), Okwok Field (OML 67,
and OML 115).
In the year 2014, Forbes listed Mohammed
Indimi as the Africa's number 37th richest
AGE: 61
NET WORTH: $850 Million (2014)
Jim Ovia is the founder of Zenith Bank
Group, a bank he is the largest individual
shareholder with about 9.3% stake. He is
also an investor in real estate across Nigeria.
His other assets include Visafone, a mobile
telecommunication outfit.
In August 2014, Jim Ovia commenced the
construction of $1.5 billion petrochemical
complex in Akwa-Ibom State Nigeria.Forbes
listed Jim Ovia as the 30th richest man in
Africa in the year 2014.
AGE: 55
OCCUPATION: Diversified
NET WORTH: $1 Billion (2014)
Orji Uzor Kalu is the chairman of SLOK
Holding and the Daily Sun and New
Telegraph newspapers in Nigeria, who
served as the governor of Abia State,
Nigeria from May 29, 1999, to May 29,
2007. Prior to his election, he served as the
chairman of the Borno Water Board and the
chairman of the Cooperative and
Commerce Bank Limited. Kalu was also a
member of the Progressive Peoples Alliance
(PPA) and the chairman of the PPA Board of
Trustees. He was the party's candidate for
president in the April 2007 general election.
AGE: 52
OCCUPATION: Bussines tycoon:
NET WORTH: $1 Billion (2014)
Tony O. Elumelu is an economist by
training, a visionary entrepreneur and a
philanthropist. Tony is the Chairman of
Heirs Holdings, the
United Bank for Africa, Transcorp and
founder of The Tony Elumelu Foundation.
Elumelu holds the Nigerian national
honours, the Commander of the Order of
Nigeria (CON) andMember of the Order of
the Federal Republic (MFR). In 2011
AGE: 55
OCCUPATION: Business tycoon:
cement, sugar, flour
NET WORTH: $1 Billion(2014)
AbdulSamad Isyaku Rabiu CON is a Nigerian
businessman. His father, Khalifah Isyaku
Rabiu was one of Nigeria's foremost
industrialists in the 1970s and 1980s. Abdul
Samad is the founder and chairman of BUA
Group, a Nigerian conglomerate with
interests in manufacturing, infrastructure
and agriculture with a revenue in excess of
$2.5 billion. He is also the chairman of
Nigerian Bank of Industry.
In 2013, Forbes estimated Abdul Samad's
wealth at $1.2 billion, bringing him to the
global billionaire's club.
AGE: 52
OCCUPATION: Chairman of Forte Oil
NET WORTH: $1.06 Billion (June 2015)
Femi Otedola is a Nigerian businessman. He
is Chairman of Forte Oil Plc, and appeared
as one of only two Nigerians (alongside
Aliko Dangote) to appear on the 2009
Forbes list of 793 dollar-denominated
billionaires in the world, with an estimated
net worth of over US$1.2 billion. Femi
Otedola is the Nigerian President and Chief
Executive Officer of Zenon Petroleum and
Gas limited.
AGE: 72
OCCUPATION: Bussiness tycoon: oil
NET WORTH: $1.1 Billion (June 2015)
General Theophilus Yakubu Danjuma GCON
FSS psc is a Nigerian Jukun soldier, politician
andmulti-millionaire businessman and
philanthropist. He was Nigerian Army Chief
of Army Staff from July 1975 to October
1979. He was also Minister of Defence under
Olusegun Obasanjo. Danjuma is chairman
of South Atlantic Petroleum (SAPETRO).
AGE: 64
OCCUPATION: Business tycoon: oil and
printing industries
NET WORTH: $2.2 billion(June 2015)
Folorunsho Alakija is a Nigerian
businesswoman who has replaced Isabel
dos Santos as the richest African woman,
and also is the richest woman of African
descent in the world. She is a business
tycoon involved in the fashion, oil and
printing industries. She is the group
managing director of The Rose of Sharon
Group which consists of The Rose of
Sharon Prints & Promotions Limited and
Digital Reality Prints Limited and the
executive vice-chairman of Famfa Oil
Limited. Alakija is ranked by Forbes as the
richest woman in Nigeria with an estimated
net worth of $2.6 billion As of 2015.
AGE: 62
OCCUPATION: Founder of Globacom,
Chairman of Conoil
NET WORTH: $4.1 billion (June 2015)
Mike is a Nigerian business tycoon, and one
of the richest black people in the world. His
company Globacom controls Nigeria's
second-largest telecom operator, he also
owns stakes in theEquitorial Trust Bank and
oil exploration firm Conoil (formerly
Consolidated Oil Company). Forbes has
estimated his net worth at $4.6 billion as of
March 2013 which makes him second
wealthiest Nigerian behind Aliko Dangote.
AGE: 58
OCCUPATION: Chairman & CEO of
Dangote Group
NET WORTH: US$17.7 billion (June 2015)
Dangote is a Nigerian billionaire
businessman, who owns the Dangote
Group, which has interests in commodities.
The company operates in Nigeria and other
African countries, including Benin,
Cameroon, Ghana, South Africa, Togo and
Zambia. As of January 2015, he had an
estimated net worth of US$18.6 billion.
Dangote is ranked by Forbes magazine as
the 67th richest person in the world and the
richest in Africa.[ He surpassed Saudi-
Ethiopian billionaire Mohammed Hussein Al
Amoudi in 2013 by over $2.6 billion to
become the world's richest person of
African descent.

» JAMB To Determine Admissions Cut-Off Marks On July 14 «

The Joint Admissions and Matriculation
Board (JAMB) says it will hold its 2015 Policy
meeting on July 14 to determine cut-off
marks for admission of candidates into
tertiary institutions.
This was contained in a statement signed
by Mr Fabian Benjamin, the board’s Public
Relations Officer, and made available to
newsmen on Thursday in Lagos.
“The 2015 Policy Meeting which usually
comes up with the cut-off point has been
fixed for 14th July, 2015.
“This meeting defines the criteria for the
year’s admissions into higher institutions,” it
The statement said that the cut-off points
are arrived at after extensive deliberations
with vice-chancellors of universities,
provosts of colleges of education, rectors of
polytechnics, monotechnics as well as
innovative enterprise institutions and other
It said that the meeting was usually held
after the schools would have completed the
Computer Based tests (CBT).
The statement said that the CBT had
assisted the board to fight against
examination malpractice within the nation’s
examination system.
The statement said the CBT initiative had
helped to address the numerous challenges
confronting the conduct of public
examination in the country.
“Today, the board has found the magic
“This year’s examination was one of the
most successfully conducted exercises by
the board.
“The exercise took place for over two weeks
in 389 centres in Nigeria, Ghana, Republic of
Cameroon and the United Kingdom,” he

» Student Cuts Teacher With Machete For Punishing His Girlfriend In Enugu «

Tragedy struck in Alor Uno community of
Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu
State when a student of Community
Secondary School, in the area identified as
Ebuka attacked a classroom teacher with a
machete leaving him with deep cut on his
head for punishing his girlfriend.
DAILY POST gathered that the boy identified
as Ebuka, intended to kill the male teacher
but ended up giving him a serious machete
cut on the head.
Ebuka was said to have sworn to deal with
the teacher identified as Ike who punished
his girlfriend for misbehaving in class.
Ebuka who was acting under the influence
of alcohol and hard drug was said to have
armed himself with a machete hidden
under his cloth, beckoned on the teacher to
come closer.
Ike sensing trouble attempted to flee for
safety but was given a hot pursuit by
Ebuka, who caught up with him in a
classroom and dealt a serious machete cut
on his head.
It was further learnt that Ebuka intended to
kill the teacher but was however
overpowered by students and teachers
who disarmed him and later handed him
over to the police.
While lamenting his action, Ebuka said he
was not himself and could not describe
what came over him.
He however denied the claim that he
wanted to kill the teacher, stressing that
when his girlfriend informed him of been
punished by a teacher in the school, he
decided to avenge her cause, adding that he
did not intend to attack Ike with the
Ike was said to have been rushed to a
private hospital where he is receiving
medical attention.

» 'My Husband Is Stingy, He Goes To Market To Buy Foodstuff' - Wife Tells Court «

Wife Seeks Dissolution Of Marriage
Over Husband’s Stinginess
My husband is stingy, he does not give me
money for food, he goes to market to buy
foodstuff himself, a 32-year-old woman,
Mrs Cythian Igwe told an Igando
Customary Court in Lagos.
The petitioner urged the court to dissolve
her six-year-old marriage to Emmanuel
Igwe, whom she described as tight-fisted.
“My husband is stingy and selfish, he has
never given me money to go to the market
to buy foodstuff; he will rather go himself
and give me the foodstuff to cook,’’ she
Cynthia accused her husband of excessive
drinking which she said made him to
behave abnormally.
“Emmanuel drinks a lot and after getting
drunk, he will start to destroy our property
or beat the children for no just cause, there
was a time he used my son to play football.
“There was also a day he came home
drunk with one of his girlfriend’s,
immediately I opened the door, he grabbed
my clothes and tore it into pieces, he and
his girlfriend started beating me.
“I shouted for help and if not for the quick
intervention of our neighbours, I would
have been dead by now,’’ the applicant told
the court.
The mother of three said she was often
embarrassed in public because of his
drinking habits.
She said he once appeared in her church
half Unclad with a bottle of beer and a
According to her, Emmanuel forcefully sent
her packing out of their matrimonial home
by hiring a truck to convey all her
belongings to her sister’s house.
She begged the court to dissolve the union
because she did not love him again and
could no longer cope and that her life was
in danger.
However, Emmanuel, 34, a maritime
worker, denied all the allegations.
He said that it was his wife’s prophetess that
gave him beer to drink that he did not come
to his wife’s church to embarrass her.
“It was my wife’s prophetess that `sow’ a
bottle of beer into my life and I drank it and
gave thanks to God,’’ he said.
The respondent said that Cynthia was a
nagging woman and that she always
disobey his orders.
Emmaunel also denied being a drunk and a
wife-beater, saying he was a moderate
He said that his wife packed out of the
house herself that he was not the one that
sent her packing.
He, however, said he was fed up with the
marriage and told the court to grant his
wife’s request.
Mr Hakeem Oyekan, the President of the
court adjourned the case till July 13 for
judgment. (NAN)

Buhari Will Release Ministerial List In Few Days – APC

ILORIN-The ruling All Progressives Congress
(APC) has commended Nigerians for their
patience and perseverance over the delay in the
appointments of ministers,saying that the list
would be released in few days.
National publicity secretary of the party,Alh Lai
Mohammed speaking with journalists in Oro,in
Ifelodun local government area of kwara state on
Thursday at his annual 9th Ramadan lecture also
admitted that the administration of President
Muhammadu Buhari would have fared better had
the ministerial appointments been made before
President Muhammadu Buhari attending to some
files in his office as he resumed duties at the
Presidential Villa, Abuja. Photo by Abayomi
Lai Mohammed however explained that the delay
was basically caused by the transference of
government from one political party to the other.
He recalled that when transition in government
took place within the then ruling party, Peoples
Democratic Party(PDP) ministerial appointments
were usually made two weeks after inauguration.
According to him, “The concern of Nigerians over
the delay in the release of ministerial
appointments is genuine. But the fact is that this is
the first time in the history of Nigeria that the
opposition party will take over government from
the ruling party.”
“Our plan was to interface and interact with the
outgoing government, but it didn’t just work out
so party set up transition committee which later
presented 800 pages hand over documents to
mister president”
“So, in this kind of situation we found ourselves,
we have to be thorough in making
appointments because Nigerians expectations are
very high and it’s understandable. So, in a couple
of days the ministerial cabinet list would be made
available and it would be a thing of the past”
Continuing, he said “We might be slow, but in
reality when we make the right appointments, we
will make up for all the shortcoming Nigerians
have been complaining about”.
He also decried the comment of the opposition
PDP on the performance rate of President Buhari
in 30 days in office saying, “the PDP is just
revelling in its new found roles of opposition,
they are entertaining themselves and Nigerians”
The APC. Spokesman who expressed the
determination of the ruling party to stamp out
corruption in order to fulfil it’s campaign
promises to Nigerians ,further noted that since
President Muhammadu Buhari assumed office
Nigerians all over the world are been gradually
respected because of the integrity of the

» Ambode Appoints Igbo Man, Engr Okonji As GM State Electricity Board «

Lagos State Governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode
on Thursday approved the appointment of
Engineer Peter Nkedishuka Okonji as the new
General Manager of the State Electricity Board.
In a statement signed by the Chief Press
Secretary to the Governor, Habib Aruna, Okonji's
appointment which takes immediate effect,
follows the resignation of Mrs Damilola Ogunbiyi
as the General Manager of Board.
Engineer Okonji is a holder of a Bachelor of
Science degree of the University of Ife; now
renamed Obafemi Awolowo University.
He is also a member of the Nigeria Society of
Engineers and registered member of the Council
for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria.
He joined the services of the State Government in
1986 and has served in various capacities among
which was as Acting General Manager of the State
Electricity Board before his deployment to the
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources where
he served as the director and head of Power
Department until his new appointment.

» Buhari Forces DG Of DSS To Resign - Sahara Reporters «

SaharaReporters confirmed that President
Buhari forced the Director General of State
Security Services, Ita Ekpeyong, to resign
effective immediately.
A source at Aso Rock told our
SaharaReporters correspondent that the
order came directly from President Buhari
and that it would take immediate effect.
Mr. Ekpeyong’s termination comes at a time
when power struggles within the
Department of State Security Service has
been public knowledge, with authorities in
the Presidential Villa removing DSS officials
from Presidential protection.
It has also been learned that Lawal Musa
Daura has been appointed as the Director
General of the DSS, which was stated in a
letter by the Head of Civil Service of the
Federation, Barr. Danladi Kifasi.
Barr. Kifasi was once the Deputy Director
Presidential Communication, Command and
Control Centre at the Presidential Villa Abuja
between 2003 and 2007. He also served as
the State Director of Security Service at
various times in Kano, Sokoto, Edo, Lagos,
Osun and Imo States

» Peter Obi & Jonathan Brought Boko Haram Prisoners To Anambra, Not Me – Obiano «

Governor Willie Obiano of Anambra State,
Thursday, said the transfer of Boko Haram
prisoners to Ekwulobia prisons in Aguata Local
Government Area of Anambra State, was
concluded in 2012 under former President
Goodluck Jonathan administration.
The governor, who spoke through his Senior
Special adviser on Political Matters, Mr. Chinedu
Obidigwe, said the decision was taken during a
seminar organized for officers and men of the
Nigeria Prison Service, NPS, in which Ekwulobia
and Kuje prisons in Anambra and Abuja capital
territory respectively, were chosen as prisons for
the Boko Haram inmates.
But former Governor Peter Obi, in a swift
reaction, expressed shock about Governor Willie
Obiano’s claims, describing it as a blatant lie.
However, Obidigwe said the transfer of Boko
Haram suspects would have been effected
immediately but for the 2015 general elections on
ground that it would affect the second term
ambition of Jonathan in the South East geo-
political zone.
Obidigwe contended that a decision made under
the nose of past administrations in the state and
the country in general should not be blamed on
the current regime in Anambra.
“In as much as the state government would not
want to join issues with such section of the
public, it is important to note that the policy of
transferring Boko Haram inmates to Anambra
State had been made since 2012 under the
regimes of President Goodluck Jonathan and Mr.
Peter Obi, but for the 2015 general elections
which the then President was contesting for a
second term.
“Since the transfer of the 47 inmates, panic had
gripped the people of Ekwulobia as residents in
the area were apprehensive of an imminent attack
by members of the Boko Haram Islamic sect,’’he
Reacting to the claim that former President
Goodluck Jonathan and former Governor Peter
Obi were behind the relocation of Boko Haram
terrorists to Anambra State, the media aide to
Peter Obi, Mr. Valentine Obienyem, said he was
shocked that Governor Willie Obiano would
personally sign such a release laying claims to
what appeared nauseating and childish.
Obienyem said that such a claim would only end
up proving to the people that there were more to
the relocation than they already knew.
Describing the claim as a blatant lie, Obienyem
wondered how an action or a plan concluded by
a man who left office almost 16 months ago was
being implemented now.
He said: “The governor is clearly looking for an
alibi for an action that was against the people. He
should look elsewhere and not in the direction of
Mr. Peter Obi, who, since he left office, had opted
to stay away from Awka and not to distract the
present government in any way.”
Obienyem said Anambra people expected
commendation from Obiano for Obi for the N75
billion in cash and investment he left for him and
for restoring the pride of the state when other
governors were bequeathing debts to their
successors, rather than trying vainly to drag his
name to the mud through statements such as
this present one linking him to the Boko Haram
He said the present campaign was not the first,
recalling that the same people mass-produced
documentaries against Obi and shared them free
to people.

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Olamide’s Hit Track ‘Bobo’ Gets Landmark Reach

Song and dance of the moment, ‘Bobo’ by
Olamide is definitely gathering more
waves and popularity.
The song that followed by a cool visual became a
street delight almost immediately after its release
and everyone is doing the Shakiti bobo moves.
READ ALSO: NEW VIDEO: Yemi Alade – Pose
Feat. Mugeez (R2Bees)
NEW MUSIC VIDEO: Sean Tizzle – Abeg
NEW MUSIC VIDEO: Naeto C – “Helele” ft. Flavour
NEW MUSIC VIDEO: Waje – Coco Baby Ft.
Diamond Platnumz
In less than 2 months after the release of the
beautiful visuals, it has crossed the view mark of
one million views on video platform, YouTube.
It seems the era of “Shoki” has gone. Or what do
you think?

Buhari's Presidency: Yoruba Elders Express Regrets

President Muhammau Buhari may have lost
the support of some Yoruba elders less
than 100 days into his tenure.
The leaders are particularly angry with Buhari
over the recently concluded National Assembly
elections, which they feel was a big blow to the
South west.
READ ALSO: Bode George Orders Obanikoro,
Others To Be Thrown Out Of PDP
They berated the president for his silence and
suggested that their region might not benefit
from the Buhari administration despite voting
massively for the president during the April 2015
presidential polls.
“For the fact that the South-West played a key
role in the emergence of Buhari as the President,
it is expected that they would occupy a more
strategic position than the post of vice president”,
said one of the elders.
They argued that the National Assembly
leadership election has given the impression that
their region is weak politically.
READ ALSO: Opinion: Like The Phoenix, Tinubu
Will Rise Again
Some of the leaders who also participated in the
last National Conference also say the region must
re-strategise to assert itself in the politics of the
They argued that the position of Professor Yemi
Osinbanjo, the current vice president, who is a
South west indigene is not a powerful position.
Chief Ayo Opadokun, a South-West leader, who
spoke to the Nigerian Pilot yesterday on the
current power imbalance, noted that the Yoruba
race made a great mistake by not re-electing
former president Goodluck Jonathan, considering
what he had in stock for the zone.
READ ALSO: How Jega Damaged Our Electoral
Process- Gani Adams
He emphasised that the implementation of the
National Conference report would elevate the
standard of the zone, which is the reason people
of the South-West should have queued behind
Also speaking on the issue, image maker of Pro-
National Conference, Wale Okunniyi, faulted the
emergence of Saraki and Dogara, which he
described as a conspiracy against the Yoruba
nation by some powerful forces in the APC.
Another prominent South-West leader and
lawyer, Asiwaju Bisi Adegbuyi, focused on how
the Yoruba race can move forward saying, the
region needs self-determination rather than a
symbolic representation.
“Yoruba race should know what they want.
Yoruba made progress when Chief Obafemi
Awolowo led us”, he said.
It will be recalled that during the electioneering
period, the Peoples Democratic Party Presidential
Campaign Organisation warned the leaders of the
All Progressives Congress to stop insulting
Yoruba Obas.

US Gay Marriage: Robert Mugabe Asks Obama To Marry Him

In the wake of the legalized gay marriage
in the USA, Zimbabwe’s 90-year-old
president, Robert Mugabe, has publicly
proposed marriage to President Barrack
US Gay Marriage: Mugabe Proposes To Obama
According to Awdnews.com, the Zimbabwean
president challenged President Obama in his
weekly interview with Zimbabwe’s national radio
on Saturday.
“I’ve just concluded since President Obama
endorses the same-sex marriage, advocates
homosexual people and enjoys an attractive
countenance thus if it becomes necessary , I shall
travel to Washington, D.C., get down on my
knee , and ask his [Obama’s] hand. I can’t
understand how this people dare to defy Christ’s
explicit orders as our Lord prohibited mankind
from sodomy,” Mugabe said.
READ ALSO: PHOTOS: Why Zimbabwe’s
President Robert Mugabe Looks Like Woman?
Mugabe also said that the American government
is run by pervert, Satan-worshippers who insult
the great American nation. According to him, the
American tradition and heritage was based on
lofty Christian principles, but to the detriment of
this great nation, America’s corrupt political elite is
acting according to their diabolic whims.
Obama’s endorsement of gay marriage, the first
ever from a sitting president, came during
growing pressure for the president to clarify his
previously muddled opinion.
Recently Nigeria’s president, Muhammadu Buhari,
came under a severe attack by President Robert
at the African Union summit in South Africa.
A Peoples Democratic Party chieftain, Prof.
Jerry Gana, has expressed displeasure over
the impatience being displayed by
Nigerians with President Muhammadu
Buhari, whose administration is just 30 days
Gana Appeals To Nigerians' Over Buhari's Slow
Jerry Gana
Gana called on Buhari to carry out his resolve to
fight corruption to the fullest, adding that
corruption has done more harm than good to the
country’s corporate existence, noting that it is
only equity, justice and fairness that can move
the country forward.
He made this remark on Tuesday, June 30, at
Brigadier General Chris Olukolade’s public
presentation of his books, entitled: “Issues in the
Mobilization of Public Support for Military
Operations and The Battles and Voice of the
Nigerian Military,” at the Nigerian Air Force
Conference Centre and Suites, Kado, Abuja.
The PDP chieftain, who was the guest speaker at
the occasion, stated that only leaders that are
sensitive to the needs of the people can transform
their vision into reality.
He called on Nigerians to pray for President
Buhari and other elected leaders for God to give
them the wisdom to select their priorities right,
especially in a nation like Nigeria.
READ ALSO: Delay In Ministerial Appointment Is
Dangerous – MDCAN
Gana said: “Although we are very intelligent,
patriotic but one of the things ruining Nigeria is
that we are not patient at all. We are very
impatient and anybody who is impatient will not
get solid things done. Even if you are looking for
a wife, if you are impatient you will not get
anyhow. But when you are looking for a great
lady, you have to wait because the best takes
time to form.
“Nigerians you are too impatient. Already you
know it is just about 30 days that this
administration came on board, I want to plead
that we allow Buhari to study the situation, let
him choose his priorities, allow him to govern; he
has four years. Although we are in opposition
and we are watching even if he is making a
mistake we will say go on. But Nigerians want to
criticise every move; no you don’t do that. So, I
pray God will grant him the wisdom.
“In addition to that, I have seen him already with
a spirit of resilience, I think that is good, the ability
to bounce back after failure. He tried three times;
we defeated him, it was when he came the fourth
time that he defeated us.”
He listed the qualities of a good leader to include
competence and courage, adding that a good
leader must be ready to take critical decisions for
the overall good of the people even if it will affect
some selected class, friends or associates.
The PDP stalwart said:“Leaders must be focused
especially in Nigeria else you won’t do anything
because they are so impatient, if you are going
this way, they will say no, go that way, you will
just be going round in circles at the end of the
“Leaders must also have passion, if you don’t
have passion you cannot get much done, these
are extremely important.
READ ALSO: Former APC Vice-Chairman On
Ministerial List
He extolled Olukolade as a strategic thinker whose
thinking has brought great strategies that have
been useful for the ongoing fight with the terrorist
group Boko Haram.
“It is important for leaders to apply strategic
thinking. The reason why I admire this officer
(Olukolade) is because he is a strategist, he thinks.
He analyse situations and come up with
strategies, If you are strategic then you will win
wars but if you go to a war without a strategy
you are already defeated. We must also have
leaders who are disciplined,” he concluded.

Misappropriation Of NNPC Funds: Oshiomhole Fires Back At Okonjo-Iweala

Governor Adams Oshiomhole of Edo state
has fired back at immediate past minister
of finance, Dr Mrs Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala,
over claims that she did not spend N2.1
billion from the Excess Crude Account
(ECA) without authorization.
The governor who hit back at Okonjo-Iweala
during a live television programme monitored in
Lagos, noted that the former minister was fond
of playing around with statistics and verbal
reports instead of the actual facts.
N2.1bn: Oshiomhole Fires Back At Okonjo-Iweala
READ ALSO: How The National Economic
Committee Will Recover Stolen Funds
He said: “I think with all due respect to former
minister Okonjo Iweala, she knows how to play
around, I don’t want to lie with statistics.
“I have made this point that she keeps opening
only parts of the pages and not the entire book.
The logic of transparency is that the honorable
minister must publish in full what is accruing to
the federation account month to month and what
is distributed to who.
“What she has never published simultaneously is
what was accrued over a certain period. Okonjo
Iweala was a member of the National Economic
Council and we have told her not to give us
verbal reports alone, but a documented report.
She made oral pronouncements which were
captured in the minutes but the real documents
revealed otherwise.”
Spent $2.1bn
The governor had Monday evening, revealed that
under the watchful eyes of the former minister,
about N8.1trillion was generated by the Nigerian
National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and just
N4.3trillion was remitted while the balance was
unaccounted for
N2.1bn: Oshiomhole Fires Back At Okonjo-Iweala
Document revealing what each of the 36 states
got from the Excess Crude Account in four years
Mrs Okonjo-Iweala subsequently fired back,
stating that the number one citizen of Edo state
was very wrong with his allegation
s and even published the sharing formula of the
ECA over a period of four years on her Facebook